2024 Senior Spotlights

JC Band Class of 2024

To our graduating members, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you. Thank you for your dedication, passion, and hard work over the years. Your contributions have been instrumental (pun intended 😉) to our band and have left a lasting impression on the school community.

Being part of the band has always been more than just making music—it’s about becoming better humans, one rehearsal at a time. The teamwork, discipline, and passion for excellence have not only helped shape you into who you are today, but will continue to serve you well in the future. I believe in you, will be cheering you on and know that you will do amazing things in life.

Alexander Jay SmithCharlie ByeMackenzie WeesnerSkylynn PowellMadeline HudsonReece LeavellAva DanielsEllie WendelHannah BoggsAudrey HummerNathan LothridgeTrenton FranksMackenzie BrownCarson DavisMollie Hines

As you step into the next part of your journey, remember that you will always have a home here with the band. Keep in touch!!

With love,

Mr. Roesch

Summer 2024 Schedule

 We're very excited about this year's show and want everyone to be a part of it!

Commitment cards for marching band are being given out today and next week.  They are DUE by March 4th.  Please remember to have your child meet with a director for pre-approved absences before the due date. 

All agents report in!

Link to Schedule

Summer 2024 Theme: You Know My Name (007)

Band Honorees

Our band director, Mr. Roesch, recently shared this great news: Dougie Cox, Caleb Garringer, Emma Lemaster, Ella Littler, and Lane Stephens were recently selected to perform with the Indiana Bandmasters Association All-Region and All-District Honor Bands. Congratulations to those students on their outstanding performances!

Alumni Band 2023 Shirts

Looking forward to seeing alums on Friday the 25th. Here are the shirts!

Alumni Band 2023

SAVE THE DATE!! Our annual Alumni Pep Band will be on Saturday, Nov. 25th.  We ask that you would RSVP before Nov. 17th so that music can be emailed to you.  Hope to see you there!

RSVP via https://forms.gle/YT1aSJvmoQ8ggKXe8

alumni band on Saturday, Nov 25 at 6pm in the band room

New Insta, Who Dis?

We're officially on Instagram now. Follow us @jcpatriotbands!

We also have an old student-run account @themarchingpats. Feel free to check out that one too for fun adventures through the clouds and back.

State Fair Band Day 2023

Footage of prelims and finals captured by Clint Littler

Mr. Smeltzer Says Hi

Mr. Smeltzer stopped by the Muncie contest and said hi. The Commercial Review got a photo op with him and Mr. Roesch.

See the article here.