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Summer band started. The awesome part is that we have a HUGE pit this year.

News and such...

Daddy V hit the news! Read on here at

Would you like to learn more about drum corp life? Visit to learn more!

Check out the latest ramblings and discussions of the Jay County Marching Patriots... a forum hosted by our very own, Mr. Vogler (otherwise known as Daddy V).

2nd Place Champions at the 2006 Indiana State Fair!

Solid second (08/10/06) - By MARY ANN LEWIS article from the Commercial Review

2007 Band Trip: National Cherry Blossom Parade and New York City! Check back for more details.

Congratulations to the Band Camp 2K6 Olympics Winning team: the Trombubatones!

A Salute to New York City

On Wednesday, August 10, 2005, the Marching Patriot band earned 4th place at the Indiana State Fair. Despite not placing as many band members had hoped, dreamed, or thought, the performances at both the day and night shows is to be commended! The Marching Patriots left their best performance "on the track." Thank you students, staff, parents, and the greater Jay County Community, for all of your hard work, love, and support to make this summer "Salute to New York City" a summer to be remembered for many years to come.