Summer of 1998

During the summer the band practices many hours for county and state fair. They practice Monday-Thursday about five hours a day. The band attended camp in the summer for a week at Miami University in Ohio. The Jay County Band placed third at the Indiana State Fair this summer. The 1998 summer State Fair show was the West Side Story.

Stacy Robinette, Kelsey Starr, Lindsey Bost, and Jennifer Knight are getting ready for their concert. Photo provided by Robinette.

The JCHS guard and band performing their summer show at their exhibition before State Fair competition. Photo provided by Jon Fuller.

The guard and band march down the road during a concert in the summer of 1998. The concert was held at Myrtle Beach. Photo provided by Stacy Robinette.

Senior Band

Photo by Prestige

Front Row: Jamie Roberts, Heather Brunson, Brianne Horn, Kelly Kerrigan, Sara Reeves, Chris Cowan, Amy Southworth, Kristan Pfeifer, Tina Smitley, Melissa Crooks, Shawn Iliff, B.J. Enyart
Second Row: Mischele Billington, Batalie Besser, Jeremy Morris, Michael Bennett, Luke Bivens, Melinda Weesner, Carmen Houck, Jenny Fullenkamp, Amelia White, Jill Siegrist, Laura Wolverton, Angie Scott, Cyndi Sudhoff
Back Row: John Bridges, Christy Dean, Sharon Reier, Michelle Brewster, Rachel Newhouse, Trisha Smith, Kristin Huffman

Junior Band

Photo by Prestige

Front Row: Brandy Imel, Tracy McClain, Kristin Dishman, Cati Frankenfield, Dana Jones, Michele Lambert, Lisa Smith, Jani Mahon, Amy Harris, Melissa Spade, Breanne Hedges, Kim Flowers
Second Row: Kim Green, Kyle Kerrigan, Maria Sargent, Mary Reinhart, Nate Lingo, Andrea Hoffman, Tara Leach, Megan Russell, Amanda Swoveland, Jennifer Monneyhan, Kristin McKee
Third Row: Hillary Warner, Miranda Harvey, Jessica Starr, Jessica Heffner, Julie Nicodemus, Jennifer McFarland, Cassi Alberson, Zibby Theurer, Jessica Shaw
Back Row: Beau Champ, Nathen Hutchison, Lucas Champ, Stuart Greene, Jennifer Burke, Cindy Grafmiller, Carrie Franks, D.J. Price, Dustin Cox

Sophomore Band

Photo by Prestige

Front Row: Erin Richards, Audi Ford, Cathy Gates, Emily Horn, Meggan Ruchgy, Dara Taylor, Jamie Vincent, Nikki Weesner, Celsee Rains, Lisa Weaver, Libby Weaver, Kim Shockey, Allisha Landers
Second Row: Amy Haun, Lindsay Hurt, Mischa Staton, Liza Luzadder, Jason Hart, Megan Rinker, Angie Brown, Angie Bye, Lexi Russell, Jon Gilbert, Jessica Brown, Christina Ridgway, Ryan Muhlenkamp
Third Row: Erin Imel, Nikki Brinkerhoff, Jessica Backer, Sarah Harris, Kim Smitley, Cara Horn, Sean LeMaster, Amanda Horner, Sara Wilmore, Lisa McKee, Dustin Jones
Back Row: Adam Keever, Jason Gornichec, Nathan Ehrhart, Aaron Fenning, Sarah Cook, Angie Paxson, Rachel Walker, Andy Jellison, John Reier, Amanda Prie, Libby Prifogel, Stephanie Mast, Tyler Helm

Freshman Band

Photo by Prestige

Front Row: Angie Schwartzkof, Erica Pursifull, Amber Alberson, Kristen Hess, Megan Bousman, Morgan Pierce, Megan Johnston, Debbie Shidler, Monica Brown, Heather Jellison, Audrey Carroll, Nicole Landers, Josh Potter
Second Row: Matt Smith, Laura Mooneyhan, Nicole Johnson, Shanna Bye, Mark Garringer, Beth Muhlenkamp, Justin Lowe, Matt Hedges, Samantha Hart, Kathy Daniels
Third Row: Stephen Hueber, Sawnda Kreig, Abby Feazell, Alicia Emerick, Delee Manning, Erin Muhlenkamp, Elizabeth Myers, Jennifer Deboy, Jamie Scott, Anna White, Chris Adams
Back Row: Doug Louks, Angelica Jutte, Andrea Rogers, Margo Patterson, John Lee, Joel Walker, Jon Grafmiller, Ryan Ray, Matt Knoth, Jennifer Link

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