Summer of 1992

The JCHS Band once again had a very busy and successful summer. The band participated in many activities throughout the summer and school year.
The band attended camp at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, which was only one of the preparations the band took for getting ready for the three contests in which the band participated in. In all three competitions the band placed third or better.

The summer had a great ending for the band. They competed at the Indiana State Fair Band Contest. The JCHS Band placed second in both the morning and evening competitions. The band practices over 1500 hours throughout the year. Besides the competitions, the band also attended all home football and basketball games, played at graduation, and performed at many community activities.

Practicing for the big show, Kym Roberts concentrates on the routine.

Proud performers: The percussion section of the band plays on at a home football game.

Getting the big picture, the band takes a few steps closer to get a better look at the U.S. Capitol.

Best Buddies: Five senior band members have some fun while in Washington, D.C.

After a long day of touring, Sarah Laux leans against the Washington Monument to catch her breath.

Front row: Charity Idle, Tina Ford, Christi Henry, Robyn Skeens, Jodi Rowles, Loree Bergdoll, Jennifer Price, Jennifer Faulkner, Stephanie Chrisman, Carrie Taylor, Jennifer Jerles, MeKell Cooper, Lora Hillard, Bethany Green
Row 2: Marla Moore, Melissa Pavey, Robin Warren, Lynett Landon, Elizabeth Upp, Aimee Bye, Joanna Rier, Nicole May, Angie Miskinis, Teresa Smith, Jodie Hummer
Row 3: Madonna New, Laura Strausburg, Carrie Axe, Wendy Whiteman, Laurie Miller, Melissa Burgess, Megan Prifogle, Craig Frazee, Sarah Laux, Janessa Mettler, Tom Hunt, Rachel Pinkerton, Elaine Bailey, DeWayne Stults, Mariann Baker, Jeff Jutte

Front row: Tracy Hoffman, Andrea Ross, Tiffin Davis, Mike Shockey, Eric Bickel
Row 2: Chris Hidy, Tony Fisher, Melissa Gates, Dana Scott, Angie Humbert, Holly Isenhart, Rachel Cole, Christy Corle, Angie Bishop, John Hamilton
Row 3: Krissi Zimmerman, Roberta Beard, Liz Shultz, Malissa Stultz, Stephanie Welch, Chris Paxson, Mike Twigg, Drema Miskinis, Alicia Corwin, Beth Fouch, Chanda Phillips, Jamie Wright
Back row: Jeff Burk, Matt Minnich, Chris Hammers, Paul Hunt, Ivy Bird, Ryan McCombs, Veretta Barton, Holly Russell, Christy Grafmiller, Ty Blankerbaker, Travis Ford, John McFarland, Jason Rice

Front row: Sara Schmiesing, Jodi Wendel, Kerry Ford, Gwen Shauver, Kristi Brown
Row 2: Arlena Cook, Kori Howell, Nichole Chiavaroli, Roxie Wright, Gail Seigrist, Stacy Shockey, Jamie Freeman, Kevin Hardyman, Nathan Keever
Row 3: Chris Bubp, Dane Mumbower, John May, Erin Barber, Brook Warner, Maggie Ronald, Jason Stucky, Joe Stockman, Leslie Bunch, Mark Grieshop, Rex Pinkerton, Brian DeVoss
Back row: Chris Rawlings, Zach Taylor, Sandy Hensley, David Diller, Jamie Fields, Greg Trobridge, Devon Lykins, Chad Rinker, Emily Funk, Pam Dues

New routine: The girls in Guard worked together to develop new routines for ball games and shows.

Holding the flag up high, Amanda Alexander rehearses during second hour.

Front row: Marcia Grady, Andria McAbee, and Hope Miller
Row 2: Angie Barger, Kim Cowan, Chandra Wright, and Mandy Smith
Row 3: Edith Duncan, Brenda Locker, Staci Ayres, Michelle Arnold, Mandy Miller, Kerri Mosier, Angie Schisler, Christy Straight, and Michelle MillionBack row: Jessica Ingel, Staci McLaughlin, Tracy Shawver, Ryan Mills, Carmen Capper, Kerri Wehrly, Kim Roberts, Amanda Alexander, and Maria Watkins

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