Fall Concert

We had a great fall concert. Take a listen and see more photos in the Media section.

Congrats Jason!

Congratulations to Patriot Band alum Jason Hart today for graduating with a Masters in Music Education from Anderson University. He has done so much for our band program. Thank you for continuing to make such an impact on music and kids!

Homecoming Spin

New Horns!!!

1995 in Retrospect: 3rd Place!

Outstanding Award Winners


Alex is a senior who has been involved in summer band, pep band, concert band and winter percussion.

His favorite memory of JC Band is “When [he] won the chubby bunny contests. To hear everyone cheer [him] on including [his] sister, then winning for the drumline was an amazing feeling.”

His favorite show was either En Fuego (winter drum line) or Sideshow.

His advice to other members of the JC Band is “The low points are a blessing, they keep you humble and make you feel thankful for what you have.”


Hunter is a senior who has been involved in summer band, pep band, concert band and winter drum line.

His favorite memory of JC Band is winning the 2019 percussion caption.

His favorite show was 4OUR.

His advice to other members of the JC Band is "Make these the best years of your life."


Hannah is a senior who has been involved in summer band, pep band concert band and solo and ensemble.

Her favorite memories of JC Band are “every year at state fair and seeing the difference between the first time [they] do our summer show and the very last time [they] perform.”

Her favorite show was Sideshow.

Her advice to other members of the JC Band is “Make as many memories as you can, one day that’s all you will have”