Best Wishes to the Class of 2013!

outdoor class of 2013 picture

The Patriot Band wishes the class of 2013 all the best for a great future. Thanks for being a part of the "Music Ambassadors of Jay County."

Revised Summer Calendar

Summer Band Revised Schedule 2013

The only two revisions are July 12th and July 18th.

July 12th will now be a 1-4 rehearsal.

July 18th will now be a 5-9 rehearsal.

Once summer band starts, the students will receive a letter with more detailed information.

Lucky Day 🍀


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Marching Patriots selected to march 2012 IPL 500 Parade

The Marching Patriots of Jay County have been selected to march in the 2012 IPL 500 Festival Parade in Indianapolis, IN. The parade will be on Saturday, May 26, 2012, and there will be an estimated crowd of over 300,000 people in attendance at the event. The parade will be televised locally. All students will be expected to perform as this will be a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity!

Gatlinburg Trip Payment

The 2nd payment for our upcoming Gatlinburg trip is January 24th. The payment is $150. Make checks payable to the Jay Patriot Band Boosters.

Band Booster Meeting

Assessing student growth for those teachers not included in ISTEP+

From the Indiana Dept of Education - 5/16/2011:

Question - How do we evaluate/pay educators teaching in grades/subjects that are not tested by ISTEP+?

Answer - By January 31, 2012, the State Board will adopt rules that establish the methods for assessing student growth for certificated employees who do not teach in areas measured by statewide assessments.‖ This fall, several school corporations across the state will pilot these methods.

So why did we pass legislation without establishing these methods? And the methods won't even be established until January 2012? This question affects all FCS, Computer, PE, Music, Art, Dance and Drama teachers as well as many others. And there is still no consideration given to those teachers with multi-building responsibilities. Please weigh in on this if I'm missing something!