With summer band a scant 9 days away it might be a good idea to remember our discussion of "Rule #9 - Figure It Out" (October 31, 2006). If you're a veteran, you know what I'm talking about. With 150 plus students and only ten staff members, it's so important that each member of the band learn to think for themselves as we learn the summer show. Remember, "Ask three then ask me". Be patient if a staff member does not respond to your concerns right away - sometimes there are other problems which need to be taken care of before your problem can be addressed. "When you're up to your neck in alligators don't swat the mosquitos".

In addition, let's all try to remember what it was like to be a rookie! These "newbies" need help not criticism. They have never read drill charts before, they have done nothing more than parade marching, they do not know the music as well as the vets, and they are more than likely SCARED TO DEATH! Let's give 'em a break. Work with them and help them. Then when we get them to camp and they can't escape we can beat the snot out of them til they do it right! (kidding, only kidding)

Daddy "So Ready for Summer Band" V

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