During the month of June and the first couple days of July, we have missed almost 3 days of summer band because of rain. In the middle of one of the driest summers in recent memory, we lose valuable practice time because of rain! At least the air-conditioning is back on in the band room - we can be thankful for that.

So far so good on the drill. I'm thinking that we have been through 25 charts and have 12 more to go. Whether it not we remember the drill tomorrow night remains to be seen. Much work still needs to be done on basic drill movement. Transfer from basics to the drill is still not happening.

Musically, much individual attention is needed. Translated - are you doing your part?

Some great views of weapons and flag work this week. Good job guard! Hopefully many "baby throwing" moments from the guard this summer especially from our new sabre section!

The Patriot newbies made their debut this week in the Portland 4th of July parade. All in all, the performance went well - not too hot not too cold - but, you guessed it, rain at the end of the parade! At least it was the end of the parade and most of us found some kind of shelter. On the positive side, with the exception of a trumpet w/ a knee injury and a saxophone player who was marching with another unit in the parade, the band members at practice on Tues. all marched on Wed. Parades are a pain in the buttocks! You know it and the staff knows it - but this is the only place your typical "popcorn eater" sees the band. Many bodies translates to a "wow" factor w/ these people so keep up the good work!

Forecast for the week - Hot on Monday (bring your water) but becoming cooler for T, W, Th and Saturday. Don't forget the Saturday practice before the Pennville parade. This practice traditionally sets the tone for the first week of contests so come ready to play hardball and eat a good breakfast! A predicted high of 77 degrees should help.

That's all for now! How do you think we're doing?
Talk to me, I'm Daddy V!

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