BAND CAMP 2007 - DAY 4

indoor practice

Another hot one today. Continued locking in new tempos. Transitions w/ new tempos are becoming a lot more consistent - finally! Marching show is improving in leaps and bounds - difficult to tell the newbies from the vets! Guard continues to improve and new eq at show finale is starting to come together. Long week starting to show in more injury time-outs and general fatigue. Long days and short nights! Evening activities included chubby bunny (a band camp tradition - ask a band kid if you don't understand) and singing of section songs bbased on this year's show. Band camp olympics were won by the Trombubatones, I think their 2nd or 3rd victory in the last several years. Following the songs the entire band was treated to a movie, "Night at the Museum", entertaining but not great! Friday's activities will include run-throughs and the annual band camp section awards as well as packing and our last good meal until summer 2008! See ya on Sunday!

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