For the first time in 10 years, the Patriot Guard will be competing this winter in the Indiana High School Color Guard Association winter guard circuit. For those of you who have never seen a winter guard program before, it takes place on a high school gym floor. Each guard designs a show that includes flags, rifles, sabers along with props, back drops and other things to "tell" their story. This year, the Patriot Guard will compete in class B which means our show will be 3 minutes long. After class B comes class AAA, the AA, then A. After this comes open and world class. Each class requires a longer show length. Every guard must work themselves up through the ranks in order to compete in the higher classes. Jay County was one of the first competing color guards in the state of Indiana, starting way back in 1980. We were out of it until about 1993 when Lori Mark and Daddy V started the winter guard up again. The guard competed until 1998, narrowly missing state finals in 1997. The new edition of the winter guard is thanks to the enthusiasm of Emilie Boyes who spent 5 years competing in winter guard during her high school career (no genius, it didn't take her 5 years to get through high school - her guard used middle school kids!) Keep your eye on TTMDV for updates as the show progresses.

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