Well, as they say, no news is good news so we are assuming that as long as Laura still wants to do it there is a spot for her in the Glassmen horn line.  Camp #2, shortened because of weather, really gave Laura very few answers concerning her staus with the corps. Camp dismissed at noon on Sunday and the only indication that Laura has that she is still "in" is a statement from the instructors that if they had not talked to you yet, you should come back to the January camp.  As I said, no news is good news.  Most of the people I talked to said that it was a good sign and Laura should be happy.  Unfortunately, Laura is a very sore person today! 3 hour music rehearsal on Friday night, 4 1/2 hour morning music rehearsal and a 3 1/2 afternoon visual rehearsal on Saturday plus another 2 1/2 hour music block Saturday night made for a lot of tired and aching muscles for all the kids. 3 more hours of music on Sunday morning capped off the week-end.  This is a grueling schedule as evidenced by the fact that out of the 100+ kids who showed up at Thanksgiving camp only 56 came back! The wheat is being seperated from the chaff!

We all got a chance to hear the ballad (Watermark by Enya) with the hornline and pit before leaving on Sunday. And yes, Daddy V once again worked his fanny off in the kitchen, preparing food, snacks, and drinks for the participants - just don't let Mrs. Daddy V know that I can do kitchen work!

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