
Excuse my conservative (well, moderate conservative) bias, but after this past week or so, what's all the fuss about global warming? Let's all remember this past week when we step foot on the pavement to start summer band!


Do we need a Patriot Band "theme" song?

Over the years I have part and parcel to the use of "theme" songs for different organizations. I've often thought that the use of a band song was a great way to unite the group before a competition. When I taught at Haworth High School in Kokomo in the 80s we sang a verse of "You'll Never Walk Alone". The title is pretty well explains the song. I know several drum and bugle corps have similiar traditions with such songs as "Over the Rainbow", "Auld Lang Syne", etc. What do ya think, band members? Would this be something we should try? Give me some ideas. How about a band motto - you know, something Latin like "Finis Coronat Opus" (the end crowns the work).

Age and Experience vs Youth and Enthusiasm

Imagine trying out for the boy's basketball team, making the squad, then proceding to tell the coach which plays he should use, what kind of offense or defense, and how to coach the players. Or joing the football team and deciding for yourself who should play offense, who should play defense, who should play special teams, etc. Most of us wouldn't dream of doing this. This is the coach's job and we (normally) trust the coach to make the right decision based on credentials and years of experience. Yet every year we have "Monday Morning Band Directors" who, just like their athletic counterparts, could have won "the big one" if they had decided what music to play! Let me tell you boys and girls, it ain't that easy! Let's ignore th actual teaching for now and take a look at just the show design itself. Contrary to poular opinion, we don't take a "dart board" approach to music choice. Before we even think about music choices, we normally develop a show theme. I've heard a lot of complaints about using a "patriotic" theme for 4 years now and I can't figure out where that came from. 2003 was "Esprit de Corps". OK, Marine Corps, etc. but certainly not overtly patriotic. 2004 "Amber Waves" - yes - oozed patriotism. 2005 - I Love NY - patriotic? - duh. 2006 - Western Sketches - patriotic? Not unless George Washington rode a Red Pony! There's a difference between patriotic music and what is called nationalistic music - music that is a reflection of one's country and, hello, we are the Patriots. Nationalistic and patriotic music is kind of a given. I'm sure the Anderson-Highland get tired of playing Celtic music, but when you're called the Marching Highlanders it's kind of hard to play Iron Maiden!



Officials from the FBI and the Indiana State Police held a joint press conference today announcing the arrest of Winny "The Poo" Ceegull as a suspect in the Connecticut poo attack of Taylor student, Emilie Boyes of Norwich, CT. Boyes was attacked by a seagull in late December while strolling on a Connecticut Beach with her boyfriend, Mark Garringer. PNA tests had revealed a mid-west connection after secret ingredients from an Indiana restaurant chain were found in the poo.

the culprit and an accomplice
FBI surveillance picture of Whinny "The Poo" Ceegull

Officials from Scotty's Brewhouse helped police CSI units trace the source to their Muncie operation. FBI agent Hoo Phlung Poo related details of the arrest after receiving numerous tips from stool pigeons on the FBI's 1-800-POO-STOPPERS FREE phone line. Indiana State Police investigation team Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe helped cracked the case.

Could this be the future look for Mr. Smeltzer and Mr. Vogler?

For those of you who don't know, Daddy V has entered the age of technology by adding a cell phone and a lap tap computer to my personal possessions. I have always tried to keep "up-to-date" on the latest innovations but sometimes I have to be smacked in the face with them before I pay attention. It became brutally clear when Emilie Boyes showed me her Christmas present (from someone special) and I had no idea what it was! (an Ipod!) Last night, I took my Toshiba SuperXL-TurboCharged-LuxuryEdition laptop with me to bed and watched the ESPN Drum Corps International broadcast while my lovely wife peacefully snored the night away. Heaven - I'm in Heaven.

My wife and daughters have applauded loudly as I have entered this new era in my already challenging life, but the line must be drawn somewhere and I think, in reference to the above photo, the line has been drawn! The new style for next fall, gents, will be leggings - yes, you read that right, leggings for men! I have never been exactly a slave of fashion and I don't plan on starting now. I know very few women who look good in leggings let alone men. Made of microfibre cotton and wool blend they all have stirrups except for the ones, of course, that are cut above the knee. I wouldn't care if they were spun gold, I can't believe that any more than 10% of our population could look good in something like this - male and female.

Am I right or wrong! Talk to me...I'm

Daddy "Permanent Wedgy" V


Indiana governor Mitch Daniels apologizes for Connecticut attack.

In an unprecendented move, Indiana governor Mitch Daniels used his State of the State address to apolgize to Emilie Boyes and her family for the vicious attack sustained by Boyes on a Connecticut beach. Daniels remarked "It saddens me to know that Miss Boyes was assaulted by a Hoosier seagull. I believe that this is just the tip of the iceburg. It all goes back to the drop in the state ISTEP scores and I believe that full-day kindergarten could have prevented such a cowardly attack." Daniels also invited Miss Boyes to return to the Hoosier state soon to finish her education.

Daniels remarked "Hoosier hospitality is my number one concern. If Miss Boyes can pick up the pieces of her shattered life, we will help her put them back together." Boyes had no comment on her immediate plans. Daniels went on to say that he will appoint a special Indiana State Police taskforce to further investigate the incident, look for possible mob links, and narrow down the list of suspects. So far, the only lead in the case is the PNA results which indicated that the poo contained special ingredients from menu items available in an Indiana restaurant chain. A Scotty's Brewhouse spokesman indicated "We are outraged by this crime and are working closely with authorities in their investigation."


I've watched Neil Cavuto on PBS and Fox News for years and I have always respected his opinion and especially enjoyed his "Common Sense" segments. Below is one of these segments. It might not mean much to you now but it will in the future. As someone who face the "Big C" and survived my approach to daily life and money has certainly changed. READ AND REMEMBER

Daddy V

Saving for a Rainy Day

By Neil Cavuto

I don't think I ever met a saver like Al.
In the '80s when everyone was spending, Al wasn't.
When people with his money were buying big homes, Al was staying put in his very small home.
When others in his league bought BMWs and Mercedes, Al bought used Impalas — always Impalas.
When friends traveled the world, Al and family traveled to New York's Catskills.
He was rich by most standards, but frugal by any standard.
"Just in case," he'd tell me. "Just in case. I want to be ready."
And he was — for the downsizing that came and the adjustments that followed.
Al was ready. Al was liquid. Al was rich. Al... was prepared.
For every financial possibility, except the one thing he didn't see coming at all: cancer.
Stage four — non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Bad. Very bad. And fatal, very fatal.
Al is dying. Fast.
The man who feared he might out-live his money will now see his money comfortably out-live him.
All the trips he never took. All the things he never enjoyed. All the treats he never had.
A moot point. A moot life. And Al wonders.
"Maybe I should have splurged a little more." Then he adds, "at least the family's got something."
Which is more than Al can say.
Living testament to the fact it is good to save for a rainy day. It is also good to prepare for the possibility you might never see it.


Officials today released a police artist's sketch of the seagull believed to be behind the unprovoked attack on Emilie Boyes last month in Connecticut. In addition to the sketch, police have also released details of the PNA (Poo Neucleic Acid) analysis that was performed following the attack.

Following extensive testing, it was determined that the aviary fecal material included special ingredients known to come from a specialized food item called "Scooters" which are only available at a local Indiana restaurant chain called "Scottie's Brewhouse." This has helped police narrow the search area to the state of Indiana. The restaurant chain operates 4 eateries in the state. FBI agent Hoo Phlung Doo reported that his agency is now working to narrow down the exact Scottie's location which should also allow them to narrow the search area for the perpetrator(s). Officials have yet to come up with a motive for the brutal attack although speculation revolves around Boye's association with the color guard program of the Patriot Band in Portland, Indiana. Interim color guard director Pete "Daddy V" Vogler told reporters, "I will not tolerate any of our staff members being dumped on in this fashion. We need to wipe out this problem and get to the bottom of it as soon as possible!" He later added "it is kind of funny though."


Lucia HartMelonhead Mark Garringer with Lucia
Lucia turns 1 on Sunday, January 14th and, after a scary start, it's nice to see that she continues to experience growth and good health. Obviously, she gets her good looks from her mommy!

Daddy V


Imagine going into your geometry class and telling the teacher that you only wanted to study circles but not squares. Or you told your biology teacher that you wanted to study plants but not animals. Or you told the driver's ed teacher that (since you are a staunch conservative) you only make right hand turns! How many of you would expect that teacher to give consideration to your request? Unfortunately, many of you in band feel that we should design the band curriculum around your individual wants and desires. In the words of Mr. Humbert, everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die!

Band, believe it or not, is considered an academic subject. Because of this, there are certain guidelines or standards (9 in all) that the band staff must follow. Standards such as these are used to judge the value of each class offered at Jay County High School. If the band staff does not cover these standards, they are directed to do so or the program will be cut. (here are standards for the guard dance class also) Believe it or not, these standards mention nothing about pep band or marching band - they are based solely on music education goals - goals which ultimately should make us better players, musicians, (there is a difference) and, in the long run, better students!

A small reminder for those of you who were around last year. Do you remember Mr. Smeltzer, Ms. Guise and myself standing in front of you on the first day of concert band and stating "this is the first day of getting ready for State Fair" (or words to that affect) Do you remember who won the music caption both morning and evening at last year's State Fair? In was not a coincidence!
So, like it or not, concert band is a mandated program which ultimately will lead to success in marching contests (if that is your goal) or if nothing else, will make you a better musician, student, and a more well-rounded person!
Incidentally, those 9 standards include:

  1. Singing alone and with others - Yup! Even in band!
  2. Playing an instrument alone and with others - We got this one down!
  3. Reading, notating, and interpreting music. Somewhat covered.
  4. Improvising melodies and accompaniments.
  5. Composing and arranging music within specific guidelines
  6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
  7. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
  8. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
  9. Evaluating music and music performances.

So what do you think? Talk to me, I'm......

Daddy V