Leanna is a senior who has been involved in summer band and winter guard
Leanna remembers her favorite time in band saying: "Last year in June, Justyn Vanskyock, Dallas Negele, Dottie Schuler and I signed up to do a WGI Solo and Ensemble performance. We chose the song, wrote the work and choreographed all of it by ourselves. We spent around a month doing it all. We would practice at the Hudson park amphitheater. Dallas and Dottie helped me work on weapons and Justyn and I improved each other's flag skills. We spent at least two days a week there I know it’s not one memory but that was one of the favorite opportunities I had because of being in this guard. I have a small award for us placing second in our group, and I'll never get rid of it. I'll never forget any of the moments or memories I made with this band and guard. (The picture I've included is from just after we finished performing"
Her favorite show was Through the Clouds.
Her advice to other members of the JC Band and Guard is "Chase it. Whatever you love, fight for it. The worst thing anyone can say to you is no, but they could say yes and the prospect of that is what you should chase. No matter what it is, you can achieve it and that's what my 3 years as a Marching Patriot has taught me, that no matter how hard it is, no matter how much I doubt I'll get what I want most, you can either fight for it or give up. Don't stop chasing what you want most because you never know what's on the other side of the door you're too scared to knock on."