Greetings to all my TTMDV fans and my apologies for leaving you hanging for the last month. Secretary (aka Jason Hart) told me that the server that takes care of TTMDV was hit with a power surge, effectively frying the drives and shutting us down. Personally, I believe it was a plot by left-wing liberal, tree-hugging, Bambi-loving, Hillary-supporting Democrats who are trying to take away my inalienble (or is it unalienable) rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! But I digress! I have a boat-load of issues backed up in the "Daddy V file" that will be posted shortly! As always, my thanks goes out to my two favorite tekkies Jason "Secretary" Hart and Mark "Melon-soon-to-be-wed" Garringer for their help in getting TTMDV back on line. You guys are #1!!!!

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