Gavin is a senior who has been involved in summer band, concert band, pep band, winter percussion, jazz band and solo and ensemble.

His favorite memory about JC band is “Senior year at the state fair night show. Walking off that track is one of the greatest memories [he] has.”

His favorite music selection was “[The] drum feature in 4OUR. This was the hardest music for [him] to learn when [he] was starting marching band. This was also the most satisfying when [he] got it, so it means the most to [him].”

His advice to other members of the Patriot Band is “Everyone has heard that this goes by fast, well I experienced a different kind of fast. I had my senior Winter Drumline cut short. I am not going to tell you this goes by fast, I am going to tell you to just cherish every moment, every step, every note, every cringy Smeltzer speech, every whistle blow, and every speck of dust on your marching shoes. This is different than anything else you will ever experience. You don't know how this will end for you, for me it ended short. I did not let that short season affect me. I don't want any of you to let it affect you either. All you can do is remember.”

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