As for me personally, I feel that each one of you will learn more in the 2 months of summer band than you will during the rest of the year - I mean truly learn! Not facts and figures but real life and how to cope with it! You guys are at the perfect age for this kind of learning. As a staff we believe in you enough to challenge you to take on life's intricacie's and affronts and I hope it's an ethic we can bring back to American society, which is, after all, based on the idea of plunging wildly into the unkown and making it up as you go along. At the very least we can retain the idea within our marching activity, which is perhaps even more so based on the idea of plunging wildly into the unknown and making yourself equal to the task.
People who have never experienced our activity ask me all the time, "How do you do it?" (200 kids, 2 months every summer, heat, equipment issues, heat, uniforms, heat, band camp, heat, show creation (and re-creation), heat, personel battles and personal battles)
I usually look at them, knowing they won't understand and tell them "Rule # 9 - You just figure it out!"
Quote of the Day
Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices! Do the hardest thing on earth. Act for yourself! Face the truth!
Katherine Renner