Indiana governor Mitch Daniels apologizes for Connecticut attack.
In an unprecendented move, Indiana governor Mitch Daniels used his State of the State address to apolgize to Emilie Boyes and her family for the vicious attack sustained by Boyes on a Connecticut beach. Daniels remarked "It saddens me to know that Miss Boyes was assaulted by a Hoosier seagull. I believe that this is just the tip of the iceburg. It all goes back to the drop in the state ISTEP scores and I believe that full-day kindergarten could have prevented such a cowardly attack." Daniels also invited Miss Boyes to return to the Hoosier state soon to finish her education.
Daniels remarked "Hoosier hospitality is my number one concern. If Miss Boyes can pick up the pieces of her shattered life, we will help her put them back together." Boyes had no comment on her immediate plans. Daniels went on to say that he will appoint a special Indiana State Police taskforce to further investigate the incident, look for possible mob links, and narrow down the list of suspects. So far, the only lead in the case is the PNA results which indicated that the poo contained special ingredients from menu items available in an Indiana restaurant chain. A Scotty's Brewhouse spokesman indicated "We are outraged by this crime and are working closely with authorities in their investigation."