An amateur photographer from Seaside Heights, NJ, caught this photo of the two seagulls who may be responsible for the unprovoked attack on Emilie Boyes, Patriot Guard caption head. Boyes, who was attacked while walking on a Connecticut beach with her boyfriend Mark Garringer, could not be reached for comment. Due to the appearance of the suspects in New Jersey, the FBI has been called in. Special Agent in Charge, Hoo Phlung Doo, has offered no definate ID on the suspects but believes that they are of Midwestern origin, possibly landfill gulls. It was hoped that Garringer could help with the identification of the gulls but when asked he replied "I was too busy laughing!"

Doo has asked for help from local law enforcement officials in tracking down these suspects so that a positive poo ID can be made. Meanwhile, Boyes, who is recovering in her suburban Connecticut home, is schedule to meet with a police sketch artist tomorrow.

Anyone with information about this crime should call Poo Stoppers at 1-800-WHO-FLUNGDUNG FREE

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