Are ya ready for some marching band? Most of the Patriot Band showed they were by showing up for the first rehearsals of the summer. I say "most" because, as always, there are a few who said they would be there and were "no shows". If you know any of these kids, give 'em a call and a kick in the pants and tell 'em to get to practice! All three sectionals covered music, basics, and the first 3 charts of the drill. Speaking of which, the drill has some twists and turns that will be a challenge for us to learn but will also bring some new and fresh drill moves to the track.

It's always fun to welcome back old staff members for another summer. These former band members (and imports) work very hard for the love of the activity - not the money! My thanks to Jason Hart, Mark Garringer, Emilie Boyes-soon-to-be-Garringer, Sarah Ullom, Amy Grady, Cody Grady, and new staff members Samantha "Freebie" Freeman, Caitlin "Crash" Dunn and Becky "Opie" Hargraves. Remember - as a staff, we can create, instruct, correct, and critique but we can't march and play the show for you. You can do your part by practicing at home, making all the rehearsals, and supporting each other. Ask yourself:
"Do I want to live with the pain of regret from not doing my best? Or do I want to live with the pain of discipline and push myself through?"

Let's make this a great summer! Marching Patriots forever!

Daddy "I love the Summer" V



That's right, sports fans, and you heard it here first! Our own Mr. I. Kelly Smeltzer was stoned last Thursday - kidney stoned that is! If you know of anyone who has ever had a kidney stone, you know the kind of pain that this particluar condition can cause. For those of you who don't know, a kidney stone occurs when a small mineral/crystaline substance (usually calcium based) forms in the kidney and makes it's way down the ureter. Many people pass kidney stones without even knowing it, but if the stone is too big it basically scapes it's way down the ureter until it makes it to your bladder. During the "tour" of your ureter, you are in incredible pain. Having been the recipient of kidney stone pain when I was 32, I can attest to the fact that Mr. Smeltzer probably didn't enjoy the experience. For those of you who still don't get it, imagine someone grabbing your lower lip and pulling it up over your head! Or better yet, imagine someone trying to push your head through a garden hose! Treatment for a kidney stone includes a lot of pain medication and time. Larger stones have to be broken up with ultra-sound before they will pass. Prevention? Drink lots of water and don't let yourself get dehydrated!

To Mr. Smeltzer - hope things "come out" OK!

Daddy V


With summer band a scant 9 days away it might be a good idea to remember our discussion of "Rule #9 - Figure It Out" (October 31, 2006). If you're a veteran, you know what I'm talking about. With 150 plus students and only ten staff members, it's so important that each member of the band learn to think for themselves as we learn the summer show. Remember, "Ask three then ask me". Be patient if a staff member does not respond to your concerns right away - sometimes there are other problems which need to be taken care of before your problem can be addressed. "When you're up to your neck in alligators don't swat the mosquitos".

In addition, let's all try to remember what it was like to be a rookie! These "newbies" need help not criticism. They have never read drill charts before, they have done nothing more than parade marching, they do not know the music as well as the vets, and they are more than likely SCARED TO DEATH! Let's give 'em a break. Work with them and help them. Then when we get them to camp and they can't escape we can beat the snot out of them til they do it right! (kidding, only kidding)

Daddy "So Ready for Summer Band" V


Touring the Big Apple in dry clothes!

Daddy V took some time off last week to visit family in NJ and to re-visit several sites visited by the Patriot Band during our visit to the Big Apple this past April. Daddy V was joined on his journey east by his lovely daughter Laura and Patriot Band alumnus and rookie Patriot Band staff member, the equally as lovely Samantha Freeman.

Following a 12 hour + road trip on Tuesday, we settled in at Mom V's home in Toms River, NJ for the night, arising early the following morning for a rush hour train trip into the heart of mid-town Manhattan. Following a breakfast of bagels and cream cheese, we secured tickets to the "Les Miserables" matinee and then the girls headed for Sach's Fifth Avenue while Daddy V explored some local music stores. For lunch, we ate at the "Hello Deli" of "Late Night w/ David Letterman" fame and yes, the owner, Rupert Jee, took our order: Daddy V - a triple decker of ham, turkey, bacon, tomatoe, lettuce and cheese and MAYONAISE - Girls - grilled cheese - BORING! Then on to the Broadhurst Theatre for an emotional performance of "Les Miserables". A stop at the "Belly Deli" for cheesecake, Napoleans, and Oreo cake and then on to Penn Station for the trip home.

Thursday's activities included a trip up the NJ Turnpike to Liberty State Park and a ferry trip to the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately, due to security concerns, admission to the museum under the statue is allowed only be reservation. After spending time walking around the the statue and taking advantage of several photo ops, it was back to the ferry and on to our next destination - Atlantic City. On the way to AC, we stopped at a NJ Turnpike rest area for a quick bite and were just in time to witness a NJ State Trooper drug bust with handcuffs and car searches - what fun! AC included visits to the famous Boardwalk (of Monopoly fame - Monopoly was invented in AC), the infamous casinos (Daddy V lost $1.55) and a trip through an incredibly high-priced shopping pier that included the likes of Coach, Gucci, Tiffany's, et. al. Honestly, I counted 8 stores in a row that were selling nothing but women's shoes and purses! Geesh!

Friday was beach day for the girls and Revolutionary War day for Daddy V. I took a couple of hours to tour the Monmouth Battle field museum and grounds. The Battle of Monmouth was perhaps the largest artillery battle fought during the revolution and as recently as the 1990s they were still digging up cannon balls in the area. B of M was also where "Molly Pitcher" was made famous when a "Molly Pitcher" (women who carried water to cool cannons and slake thirst) by the name of Mary Hays McCauley took her husband's place at the cannon when he fainted from the heat. After parting company for a while, I met up with the girls again and we headed to the Seaside Heights Boardwalk where we played boardwalk games, won prizes, ate pizza and frozen custard and then left for home. Saturday morning saw an early rise and another 12 hour trip back to the Hoosier State.

A good time was had by all!

Website back up and running

Hello all! Sorry for the troubles loading this site over the past 30 hours. An unforeseen hardware issue kept you faithful viewers from “talking” to the server. Hopefully this is the last major outage! Webmasters.
Melonhead solves the outage



OK, sports fans, 2 weeks from today, Patriot Band 2007 - "The Colors of Russia". Daddy V's been watching this show develop since last October and as band members you should know that the staff has worked hard to make this a show that you will enjoy, be challenged by, and ultimately, be successful with. Remember that our success this summer will be determined by the staff's ability to teach you the show and your willingness to work at and perfect what you learn so please consider this when approaching each rehearsal this summer:
"Do I want to live with the pain of regret from not doing my best? Or do I want to live with the pain of discipline and push myself through?"



After a busy winter of basketball pre-games, a half-time show and Cherry Blossom parade prep, the Patriot Guard is busy with spring training in preparation for the summer band season. Physical preparation including dance, balance, and flexibility training continues with 75% of last years guard returning this summer. In the past, the guard has always been competitive in equipment but lagged in body movement. With the help of our own "on-staff" color guard caption head, Emilie Boyes, we hope to bring movement in line with equipment. In addition to flags, a rifle line of 10 returns this summer along with a new sabre line of 5. Flag designs are done and a protoype flag for the opener (along with a grape-ier purple   - u know I luv ya Em!) and closer are completed with a "cut and stitch" night planned for this coming Wednesday. Uniform modifications have also been completed with a purple sleeve being added, a white "swath" above the hip and gold lame around the waist. Much thought has been put into both flag and costume design to coordinate perfectly with the "Colors of Russia" show theme. This should be one of our best guards to date. Good job girls!


Even missing most of seniors and a lot of underclassmen, the Patriot Band performed well at the Redkey parade on Saturday. Every year the staff worries about the loss of the senior class and every year underclassmen seem to be waiting in the wings to step into empty leadership positions. This was proven on Saturday by a hornline that sounded in mid-season shape on "Emperata". Great job today and the promise of great things to come!

Daddy "30 Days Until Summer Band" V




The Patriot band staff continues to musically tweek this year's show. By preparing the music earlier, the staff has had the opportunity to try different voicings and re-arrangements. IN the past, we have had to do this in mid-season. This early prep should pay dividends. During the past two weeks, veteran band members have met in small group sectionals along with the rookie members from the middle schools. Brass and woodwinds met in large group sectionals this past week. Though musically, still very rough, this should be a powerful hornline. The key to a two-peat in the music caption is going to be, as always, our ability to really sell the softer sections of the show. We proved that we can do it last year - can we do it again?


Although we had a good showing last year, considering our size, it will take some work to capture the marching caption. In large group sectionals, members have started working on the basics. In addition, we will be putting a lot more emphasis oin physical fitness and flexibility this summer. The "Hindu" along with other stretches and our daily walk will become part of our warm-up routine each night. To our veterans - your staff has done a lot of reading and observing to help teach you a more contemporary style of movement. Expect new challenges, terminology, and higher expectations as the season progresses. From a drill stand point, expect a lot more guard integration in the drill, role playing, choreography, backfield playing (which we don't do much of) and some surprise drill moves!

BYE, BYE, CLASS OF 2007! :(

Every year, around graduation time, ol' Daddy V gets a little melancholy when he contemplates losing another group of senior band kids. This year, probably more so then for many years. Daddy V probably holds the class of 2007 more dear to his heart than most! Why? I don't really know but there are so many memorable kids that will be missed next year not only for their musical abilities but also for their shining faces and personalities.

Maria Miller- 6 years of Maria was not enough and never anything but a happy face anytime Daddy V sees her! Come back to see us, please?
Samantha Freeman- Poor Samantha - Samma has had me for music in one way, shape, or form since the second grade. Charter member of Eastern Breeze. Just like a third daughter in the Vogler family. Luv ya, Samma!
Kelsey Bone- "Wonder Woman" - What can't Kelsey do? Kelsey and Laura went to the same baby sitter. Homecoming Queen! Another happy face that I'll miss and another flute talent that Eastern Breeze will sorely miss.
Allison Fullenkamp- "Bowling" started taking recorder from me when she was 5! Another great leader, gourgeous drum major and part of the Patriot Band "Queen Sweep" (prom)(Mom was in guard) Eastern Breeze and Daddy V will miss you.
Caitlin Dunn - another 6 year Daddy V veteran and a second generation band kid (dad played tuba and mom was in guard) What leader and a welcome addition to this summer's staff. Thanks KatieLiz!
Dustine Hilfiker - who am I gonna do the "gut butt" with? What happened to the mirror on my van?
Amanda Barnett - youngest coroner and another second generation band kid (her dad was a drummer in the 70s) Thanks for helping get Eastern Breeze off the ground.
Lauren Whitesell Talented trumpet, actress (who can forget "Matress") and excellent drum major. Another of Daddy V's adopted daughters. Ditch the baby-sitiing and work with us this summer!
Nick Stephens and Randy Wolford - Two of our unsung heroes. Solid performers all 4 years. Group I state soloist for Nick - our first in a while! Nick, I still have that safety pin on my jacket. Randy - what an artist!
Amber Kelly - One of my East Jay favorites. Thanks for 2 years of great drum major leadership. Is your brother adopted? (mom played clarinet years ago aunt was a drum major)
Lacey VanSkyock - Another East Jay favorite flute. Thanks for all you work over the last 4 years. You look so sad these days. Please smile!
James Heare - "Heare" today, gone tomorrow. I need someone else with a last name that I can use in my puns. Thanks James and good luck!
Josh Cole - You were the smallest kid playing the largest instrument I've ever had in band. Thanks for keepin' Laura in line!
Molly Sutton - Good Golly Miss Molly! My favorite kid to greet every day! Another East Jay legend and great 4 year band supporter. You will be missed!
Austin Flynn - What an actor! Watching you in the plays has been fun. Never get to know the West Jay kids as well as I'd like. Good luck next year!
Sarah Garringer - Another West Jay wiz kid that will be missed especially in the low brass! Sarah is actually related to me! Her mom and my mother-in-law are cousins, which makes my wife and Sarah second cousins..... Family trees in Jay County have very few branches.
Amanda Alberson - The last of the awesome Albersons. Amanda's mom was in guard years ago and Amanda as well as each of her sisters has switched from some worthless instrument (flute, clarinet, etc.) to baritone. Thnaks Amanda - don't be a stranger!