BYE, BYE, CLASS OF 2007! :(

Every year, around graduation time, ol' Daddy V gets a little melancholy when he contemplates losing another group of senior band kids. This year, probably more so then for many years. Daddy V probably holds the class of 2007 more dear to his heart than most! Why? I don't really know but there are so many memorable kids that will be missed next year not only for their musical abilities but also for their shining faces and personalities.

Maria Miller- 6 years of Maria was not enough and never anything but a happy face anytime Daddy V sees her! Come back to see us, please?
Samantha Freeman- Poor Samantha - Samma has had me for music in one way, shape, or form since the second grade. Charter member of Eastern Breeze. Just like a third daughter in the Vogler family. Luv ya, Samma!
Kelsey Bone- "Wonder Woman" - What can't Kelsey do? Kelsey and Laura went to the same baby sitter. Homecoming Queen! Another happy face that I'll miss and another flute talent that Eastern Breeze will sorely miss.
Allison Fullenkamp- "Bowling" started taking recorder from me when she was 5! Another great leader, gourgeous drum major and part of the Patriot Band "Queen Sweep" (prom)(Mom was in guard) Eastern Breeze and Daddy V will miss you.
Caitlin Dunn - another 6 year Daddy V veteran and a second generation band kid (dad played tuba and mom was in guard) What leader and a welcome addition to this summer's staff. Thanks KatieLiz!
Dustine Hilfiker - who am I gonna do the "gut butt" with? What happened to the mirror on my van?
Amanda Barnett - youngest coroner and another second generation band kid (her dad was a drummer in the 70s) Thanks for helping get Eastern Breeze off the ground.
Lauren Whitesell Talented trumpet, actress (who can forget "Matress") and excellent drum major. Another of Daddy V's adopted daughters. Ditch the baby-sitiing and work with us this summer!
Nick Stephens and Randy Wolford - Two of our unsung heroes. Solid performers all 4 years. Group I state soloist for Nick - our first in a while! Nick, I still have that safety pin on my jacket. Randy - what an artist!
Amber Kelly - One of my East Jay favorites. Thanks for 2 years of great drum major leadership. Is your brother adopted? (mom played clarinet years ago aunt was a drum major)
Lacey VanSkyock - Another East Jay favorite flute. Thanks for all you work over the last 4 years. You look so sad these days. Please smile!
James Heare - "Heare" today, gone tomorrow. I need someone else with a last name that I can use in my puns. Thanks James and good luck!
Josh Cole - You were the smallest kid playing the largest instrument I've ever had in band. Thanks for keepin' Laura in line!
Molly Sutton - Good Golly Miss Molly! My favorite kid to greet every day! Another East Jay legend and great 4 year band supporter. You will be missed!
Austin Flynn - What an actor! Watching you in the plays has been fun. Never get to know the West Jay kids as well as I'd like. Good luck next year!
Sarah Garringer - Another West Jay wiz kid that will be missed especially in the low brass! Sarah is actually related to me! Her mom and my mother-in-law are cousins, which makes my wife and Sarah second cousins..... Family trees in Jay County have very few branches.
Amanda Alberson - The last of the awesome Albersons. Amanda's mom was in guard years ago and Amanda as well as each of her sisters has switched from some worthless instrument (flute, clarinet, etc.) to baritone. Thnaks Amanda - don't be a stranger!


  1. I will miss all of the seniors. They have all treated us so well. They were very respectful of all of us. Thanks to all my senior flutes who dealt with my many medical flaws all summer. Thanks for your patience. I am really gonna miss you guys.

  2. I will miss many seniors by the time summer roles around(which isn't that long. Only 27 days left until the first summer practice!). But I will adjust as best as I can and welcome the incoming freshmen.

    P.S. Whats the deal with Dustine Hilfiker and the mirror on your van? It sounds very funny.

  3. I miss the seniors hardcore! lol I miss "Mom" the most. Come back all of you...
