R E S P E C T ...find out what it means to me!

There is probably no one in the band or the band staff who is more qualified to speak on the differences between groups in the band than me and I have been very bothered over the last several years about the criticism which has been leveled at the guard by band members. I have heard way too much criticism about what band members think is a lack of talent and ability on the part of our guard members. Remember, boys and girls, when we get a score at a contest it's for the entire band, not just for the winds or the percussion or the drum majors or the guard. I'm here to tell you right now that the ones with hardest job in a marching band are the members of the color guard, followed (rather distantly) by the bass drummers, and then the rest of the drum line. Now before you go off on me, think about it for a second. If I take a dozen flute players and ask them to march and play their show, we certainly hope that they could all do it, but we know the reality is that if a single flute player stops playing for 10 or 15 seconds, no one notices. If 2 or three stop - same result. This is not only true for flutes, but also clarinets, saxophones, etc., especially in a band our size. If, however, I take a dozen guard members and ask them to do their show, everyone notices if one of the girls stops even for just a few counts. Guard is so visually dominated that any pocorn eater can tell you whether the flags are together or whether the rifles dropped or not - its a no brainer. But can the same audience members hear a flute player drop out of the ensemble, or even a trumpet! Yes, the bass drums are almost in the same boat as the guard. Drop out a bass drum or two and things can get ugly quickly! Same with members of the battery. Although percussion is not visually dominated, it is easy to see if someone is not playing.

In short, there's a story in the New Testament (that's in the Bible, genius!) where the Jewish leaders bring a prostitute to Jesus and ask if she should be punished by stoning. Jesus' answer was simply "Let the person who is without sin cast the first stone" Let's keep this in mind when dealing with other sections and members of the band. If you must criticize, offer and help with a solution!

Agree or not agree? Just talk to me...I'm
Daddy V

BAND CAMP 2007 - DAY 4

indoor practice

Another hot one today. Continued locking in new tempos. Transitions w/ new tempos are becoming a lot more consistent - finally! Marching show is improving in leaps and bounds - difficult to tell the newbies from the vets! Guard continues to improve and new eq at show finale is starting to come together. Long week starting to show in more injury time-outs and general fatigue. Long days and short nights! Evening activities included chubby bunny (a band camp tradition - ask a band kid if you don't understand) and singing of section songs bbased on this year's show. Band camp olympics were won by the Trombubatones, I think their 2nd or 3rd victory in the last several years. Following the songs the entire band was treated to a movie, "Night at the Museum", entertaining but not great! Friday's activities will include run-throughs and the annual band camp section awards as well as packing and our last good meal until summer 2008! See ya on Sunday!

BAND CAMP 2007 - DAY 1

Emilie Boyes posing

Peace, Yo!

Patriot Band arrived at Miami sans luggage after blowing two tires on the choir trailor. Cheryl, Leslie, and Deven took care of the break-down while the rest moved on. Arrived, checked-in and got right to work. Guard is working on incorporating large red, purple and white flags into the production. Horn line worked on drill changes which will allow the 1st trumpets to be on the 50 for the company front. Several new horn moves and foot moves have been added. New faster tempo in "Carol" is eliminating foot problems. Other tempos will also be "goosed" a bit. Kids all working hard. Marched 'til 9:00 PM. Lost a couple of rookies to the pace of band camp but they all hopped back in following a break in the shade. Weather is reasonable for this time of year. Golf cart for staff errands has worked out well - thanks Randy Hunt. Tuesday schedule - company front work, music cleaning and tempo changes, working guard transitions and 3 square meals!



Fourth week of summer band and first week of contests. A chance to shine or a chance to crash and burn. What do you think? The big part of the job is done - about 90% of the drill has been taught and learned (somewhat) and the music is (finally) starting to come together. Now comes the hard part - the nerve-wracking cleaning and shining of each part of the show. Changes in music, drill and more layering of responsibilities on each member (i.e. - footwork, etc) will now begin. The big question now is, are we up to the challenge? As I have said before, the staff can only give you the product it's up to you to sell it! We are fortunate enough to have a large band and a band of good, dependable kids supported by their parents, band boosters and their community. Most bands would kill for the kinid of suppport we get. Now it's time to step it up a notch and earning the respect we get from the community. Word is starting to filter in about how the other bands are doing - some good some bad. We'll know for sure Thursday night. But please don't wait for Thursday to start putting your game face on. Every minute of every rehearsal is important from here on out. Are you up to the challenge? Show the staff you are by moving quickly, learning quickly, keeping the talk to a minimum, and above all, being responsible for your part! Believe me when I tell you that you will soon forget the "pain" of practice - you will never forget the "pleasure" of performance - win, lose or draw!


Daddy V

Clarinet Section Shot

clarinet team on field

2007 Summer Show

The Colors of Russia: The Power, The People, The Celebration

About the show. The POWER segment, the prominent color will be purple - the color of royalty. The PEOPLE section will feature the color white - the color of innocence. The CELEBRATION finale will use red - the color of festivity. Throughout all three segments, the color of gold (gold lame) will also be used as a unifying theme. Musically, the show will begin with "Coronation Scene" from the Russian opera "Boris Godonuy" by Romantic era Russian composer Nodesie Mussorgsky (1831-1891). Mussorgsky's opera is considered the masterpiece of Russian opera.

Pool Party

Congratulations to the new Captain Cannonical!!!

What do you think? Was moving the pool party to the Saturday rehearsal a good thing? bad thing?

New website

Welcome to the newly updated jcmarchingpatriots.com! Please be patient while we continue to add many new features!

What do you think? What other features would you like to see enhanced on this site?
Mark at the computer


During the month of June and the first couple days of July, we have missed almost 3 days of summer band because of rain. In the middle of one of the driest summers in recent memory, we lose valuable practice time because of rain! At least the air-conditioning is back on in the band room - we can be thankful for that.

So far so good on the drill. I'm thinking that we have been through 25 charts and have 12 more to go. Whether it not we remember the drill tomorrow night remains to be seen. Much work still needs to be done on basic drill movement. Transfer from basics to the drill is still not happening.

Musically, much individual attention is needed. Translated - are you doing your part?

Some great views of weapons and flag work this week. Good job guard! Hopefully many "baby throwing" moments from the guard this summer especially from our new sabre section!

The Patriot newbies made their debut this week in the Portland 4th of July parade. All in all, the performance went well - not too hot not too cold - but, you guessed it, rain at the end of the parade! At least it was the end of the parade and most of us found some kind of shelter. On the positive side, with the exception of a trumpet w/ a knee injury and a saxophone player who was marching with another unit in the parade, the band members at practice on Tues. all marched on Wed. Parades are a pain in the buttocks! You know it and the staff knows it - but this is the only place your typical "popcorn eater" sees the band. Many bodies translates to a "wow" factor w/ these people so keep up the good work!

Forecast for the week - Hot on Monday (bring your water) but becoming cooler for T, W, Th and Saturday. Don't forget the Saturday practice before the Pennville parade. This practice traditionally sets the tone for the first week of contests so come ready to play hardball and eat a good breakfast! A predicted high of 77 degrees should help.

That's all for now! How do you think we're doing?
Talk to me, I'm Daddy V!