In the book of Acts (that's in the New Testament genius) there is the story of Saul (later re-named Paul) and his Damascus Road conversion. One of the quotes from the voice of God referred to the fact that Saul was "kicking against the pricks". The origins of this phrase go back to ancient agricultural practices when farmers used oxen to plow their fields. Behind each ox was mounted a sharp pointed stick called a "prick". If the ox tried to back up or kick at the farmer he would receive a less than gentle reminder to keep moving straight ahead. Hence the derogatory use of the word "prick". I've heard this story many times and it always reminds me of the way some of you try to "kick" against those trying to keep you in line. More often than not you "kick against the pricks" (no pun intended) and through no fault of the "pricks" you have to get the "point". Two examples that come to mind are the continued problems with gum chewing and going the wrong way in and out of the instrument room door - two rather innocuos examples that continue to give you and the staff fits. You, (the "oxen") kick at the staff (the "pricks") with your gum chewing and wrong "way-ing" and since it's up to the "pricks" to maintain order, we have to hurt you. And not just the band staff - how about your parents! Again, parents are given the responsibility of maintaining your personal order and sometimes they must be the "pricks" to keep you moving in the right direction. So do yourself a favor and realize that the "pricks" behind you that are put there for your own good and someday you'll probably be a "prick" too!
Daddy "The Prick" V
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