AND CONTINUES.............................

Laura called tonight (I'm visiting my mom who lives in NJ) and continues to be very excited about her experience. The instructors have had them playing and marching since 9:00 A.M. She says its much like our basics program, both playing and marching but X 100. Her shoulders, lips and arms ache but she's picking up a lot of good information from the guys who know! I'll return to camp tomorrow morning for "show and tell". All sections will perform for the parents at 1:00 P.M. and we should be on the road for IN by 3:00 P.M. which will make our Jay County ETA about 4:00 A.M. Probably won't even go to sleep before school! Daddy V will be stoked on caffeine. Remember me in your prayers tomorrow boys and girls!

Daddy V

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