OK, Patriot band members, you had your fun. Now its time to answer the age old question:

When band directors are thrown in a pool, do they:

A. Sink
B. Float
C. Get wet
D. All of the Above
E. None of the Above

I'm Daddy V (squish, squish) Talk to Me!


  1. Marshmellows Are Gross!!!...December 11, 2016 at 9:32:00 AM EST

    Im guessing that someone would probably... C-(*Get wet*). But, unfortunatly not ONlY band directors. Poor flutes do too.

  2. I'm going E. none of the above and giving an 'F: walk on water'....but thats just this humble junior-senior staffers opinion!!

    1. Melon -

      On behalf of the 2 band directors, it's a nice vote of confidence that possibly they would qualify for "F". I, however, am a guard instructor and not counted as a band director during the school year. Normally, as a guard instructor, I would have walked on water automatically, but not wanting to make the band directors feel inferior I sank right along with them. Next time you're with Nutmeg and passing by a body of water, toss her in and see if she walks on water - she's a guard instructor!

      Daddy V

  3. I know what happens!!!! They B and C! I saw it! It was really funny. And Vogler, you are too a band director. Maybe not at the high school but you are. So you are counted as a band director so HA! Hope you guys didn't get to wet. Lol.
