THE ADVENTURE ENDS............................

Laura and I arrived back in Jay County at 2:30 A.M. Although totally exhausted from the experience, Laura also said it was the most fun she's ever had. Lots of good rehearsal and playing tips from the boys who know. There was a "show and tell" on Sunday afternoon. The guard did about a 4 minute routine, the battery played LOUD (36 snares and 19 quads), the pit played a Scott Joplin rag, and finally the hornline played through "Simple Gifts", "Salvation is Created", "Shenandoah" and "Back to the Future" - interesting juxtaposition of songs. The sound was amazing - 75 horns including 19 tubas. After the program, the kids were given their ratings. As with most drum corps the Cadets don't "cut" people, but rate them and allow them to decide, according to thier rating, if they should continue. A 1 means "we want you", a 2means "we think we want you so please work hard over the next month and come back in December", a 3 means "we like what you do, but you might be too young or have too little experience". Laura got a 3 based on the age factor and her lack of corps experience. Win, lose, or draw, the camp was great and certainly cemented Laura's desire to march with a corps. Fortunately, there are many corps within driving distance (3-5 hours) from Portland and she'll try again next year.

How about some discussion? How many of you have seen a drum corps or would like to try to march with a corps?

I'm Daddy V - talk to me!


  1. Glad to hear the good news about Laura's weekend! I must admit, that I am "happy" for the 3 for a selfish reason, that is, so that we can have another Marching Patriot Summer with Laura.

    I have always thought about how awesome it would have been to march with a corp. The incredible amount of experience, travel, and networking would be out of this world! Not to mention striving to be in a top corp such as, well.... THE CAVALIERS! would have been awesome... not to mention all the World Championships they won during what could have been my years in corp... but the feeling of "State Fair Band Day" all summer would be pretty awesome! But as it was, I decided to stick with 1) Working with the Marching Patriots; and 2)keeping a job were more important.

    To anyone thinking about trying out corp life, I say GO FOR IT!

    1. Thanks Secretary (aka Jason) for your comment. For Laura we felt this was a "win win" situation - if she made the Cadets, she would be marching with one of the top corps in the world, if she didn't she would be marching with one of the top bands in the world (OK - at least Indiana - pardon my prejudice) at the least, her experience over the week-end will make her a better horn player and a better band member and I plan on making sure more of our students have this opportunity next year. The camp cost was $85 for the week-end (which is about what everyone charges) and next year we'll work harder at posting some info on corps audition camps.
