Can you believe that 34 years after high school graduation, Daddy V still remembers some of what he learned in high school sociology. (I had a great teacher - Tony LaFemina. He also taught anthropology and economics, and co-owned an Italian resteraunt with a fellow teacher. He was also the drama club sponsor. Because of him, I found a love for the stage and for economics. This is the guy who got his entire economics class a tour of the World Trade Centers before they were even finished!) Egocentrism is the belief that the world pretty much revolves around you - you are right everyone else is wrong. Ethnocentrism is kind of the same thing only it's not about you personally as much as it's about your "people" or your social group. Now I don't believe that this is as much a problem in Jay County in 2007 as it was back in 1977 - Jay Countians are a much more mobile group now then ever before. My point is that travel, especially to large metropolitan areas, makes you realize what a "small fish" in a really "big ocean" you really are! Even growing up in the New York/Metro area, I didn't realize this myself until the first time I flew out of Newark Airport and for the first time realized the size of the NY/Metro area and the millions of people who lived in the there. To bring it closer to home, I'm sure that most Patriot Band members were certainly awed by the sight of New York City and humbled by the pace and variety of life (even in the rain) and the opportunites available in a land area that is smaller than Jay County. This kind of "wake-up call" is a great way to counter-act much of the psycho-babble we hear these days concerning the importance of the individual - secular humanism. Surprise, surprise - the world doesn't revolve around you, Jay County, or even the State of Indiana. We are all just small players in the God-created drama called life.

Agree or disagree!

Talk to me, I'm Daddy V


How about the value of representing our county? Granted, most people in Washington D.C. and NYC have absolutely no idea where Indiana is let alone Jay County, but still, the chance to show somebody somewhere that “there is more than corn in Indiana” has got to count for something, and yes, we looked GREAT in the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade (a festival I might add that is sponsored by our National Park Service, who also employs one of our former drum majors, Jeff Jutte, who was able to visit with the band for a time). Representing our county and state is nothing new for the Patriot Band. We have appeared in parades in Washington DC (4 times), Philadelphia (2 times), Michigan (Detroit, probably 5 times, Holland, once) Gatlinburg, TN (probably 5 times) and Indianapolis (more times then I can count). In addition to our parade performances, we normally received great comments on the way our kids handle themselves in motels and restaurants. Again, our kids know what is expected of them on band trips because the middle school band directors start taking them to concerts and theatre events when they are in the 6th grade.

Agree or disagree!

Talk to me, I'm Daddy V.


Certainly I'm biased on the issue of a reward for the band for a job well-done, but as far as I'm concerned, there are no other groups at JCHS that serve the Jay County area better than the Patriot Band – not no one, not no how! That's not to say that there aren't other JCHS groups that provide service for our community, including the choir, sports teams, drama, FFA, etc. But for most of the year the Patriot Band and staff serves the county in ways no other organization can. A perfect example is the many local parades at which we perform. Every community has at least one parade every year (Portland, Dunkirk, Redkey, Bryant, Pennville, Salamonia) plus Homecoming and the Parade of Lights. That's eight weekends or holidays that are interrupted each year just for a parade. For example, this July 4th, while most are enjoying a day off, the Patriot Band and staff will be providing parade entertainment for the city of Portland. It’s expected - it’s what we do - but it doesn’t take away from the fact that as a band and staff we work on more holidays, Fridays and Saturdays than any other group.

In addition, we perform at every home football and basketball game and in recent years have taken to showing up at several girl's games each season. We are also asked to perform on Memorial Day, special events and anniversaries such as the hospital anniversary last fall, the Wal-Mart grand opening, etc., etc. etc. Some of these event organizers are kind enough to pay us for performing but that money is used to pay band expenses and not the kids or staff!

So what's wrong with giving the band a reward once in a while. Just don't forget, the trip "reward" this year came with a hefty price tag - close to $600!

Agree or disagree!

Talk to me, I'm Daddy V


Many have argued over the years that band travel is nothing but a recreational adventure and has no place in the band curriculum. But in light of recommendations, studies and reports done over the course of many years, experts believe that student travel in and of itself can be an educational experience – it’s the ultimate in “hands-on” learning! And what better way to give kids “hand-on” learning than in cities like Washington D.C. (bus and walking tour of government and historical sites and the Smithsonian for ½ half a day) and New York City (bus tour, walking tour, Broadway show, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, etc.) Now granted what we did was somewhat rushed, but if we did nothing more than expose the students to new places where they may return to some day for a repeat visit, we accomplished our goal. Even Daddy V did his part by trying to give blog-readers some information about the "Big Apple" before we ever left Portland. Do you know why New York City has developed into such and important city over the last 300 years? I'll bet a lot of the band kids do now! (hint: schist)

In additon to general and historical knowledge, travel seems to increase a student's vocabulary. In their vocabulary manual “Building Academic Vocabulary” (ASCD – 2005) Marzano and Pickering point out that many students arrive in school with well-developed vocabularies because “they or their families may have traveled extensively, exposing them to a variety of individuals, experiences, and cultures. Such students commonly take part in conversations at home that involve abundant information that will be useful to them in school. In short they may have incidentally gained the academic background knowledge they need to succeed in school.” When Daddy V was a pup, his family traveled every summer and not just the same ol’ trip to the same ol’ motel on the same ol’ beach in Florida. My dad loved to travel and we traversed the country not once, not twice, but three times during my high school years - three weeks, in the summer, every other year, from New Jersey to California and back again. My dad was blessed with a good business that allowed him the time and resources for this kind of travel and in retrospect I’m sure that’s why my vocab scores on standardized tests were always off the charts. Most of Daddy V’s grades were “beach” grades – you know, right at “C” level – but when it came to reading, English, and history – ah yes, I was a legend.
Some day, when you have time, type “educational value of travel” into your browser and see how many hits you get. Granted many of the links are to travel companies, but their sites often have justification for educational travel including several that sight a congressional resolution regarding the value of student travel.

Agree or disagree!

Talk to me, I'm Daddy V


ON THE ROAD AGAIN...............

.......BUT WHY?

In light of the recent unpleasentness regarding comments about band travel, Daddy V has decided to take the issue on head-first! After much pondering, reading, web searching, etc., Daddy V has written what amounts to a short book regarding the benefits of student travel in general and Patriot Band travel specifically. Not wanting to bore you out of your minds, I will serialize my "book" over several entries to minimize eye strain and brain drain.

Topics discussed will include:

Travel for Education - "What I Learned on My Band Trip"

Travel for Reward - "Where Were You Last July 4th?"

Travel to Represent - "My Indiana Home"

Travel for Awareness of Ethno and Ego-Centrism - "The World Doesn't Revolve Around Me?"

As always, your comments, pro and con, are encouraged and appreciated and will be posted.

Daddy V


In regards to the recent comments from teachers regarding the Patriot Band trip to Washington D.C. and New York City, all teachers involved have discussed these issues and all conflicts have been resolved. It should be the goal of all Jay County High School organizations to support each other in all of our activities.

Mr. Smeltzer


Today was Daddy V's 5th Anniversary check-up after cancer surgery and he was given a clean bill of health. For those of you who didn't know, Daddy V was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of summer 2001. It was one of those,"hey what's this "golf ball" doing in my arm" that kind of alerted Daddy V to the problem and thanks to some skillful surgery the problem was taken care of quickly. Daddy V was indeed fortunate that the tumor showed up on his arm as that kind of cancer (lycigeneous sarcoma - sp?) is known to take up housekeeping in places like you heart and lungs. Early detection - quick treatment - full recovery! Cancer doesn't discriminate according to age either, folks - ask Brandon McDavid or Matt McCord. They were both in middle school band at the time when they were diagnosed and we thought we had our own "cancer cluster"! If it doesn't feel or look right, get it checked! Always better to be safe than sorry!

Daddy "5 Years Cancer Free" V


Daddy V has voluntarily removed the post concerning comments made against the Patriot Band program. Mr. Smeltzer and I met with Mr. Hill tonight regarding the comments and after much discussion, it was decided that there is fault on both sides - Mr. Hill and Daddy V. Mr. Hill certainly made inappropriate comments concerning the high school band program but perhaps Daddy V went a little over-board in his reaction. For those of you who don't know, my daughter, Laura, was in the class in which the comments were made and perhaps a bit of my reaction was "Daddy Bear protecting his cub" - and not just my own cub but all my other "cubs" in that class. Goodness knows Daddy V has had "foot in mouth" disease on several occasions during his career. It's all about respect, folks, and although Daddy V's knee-jerk reaction was a bit much, it was done out of respect for the kids in a program that he thinks are second to none!

Please read Coach Hill's post in the comment section of this blog!


Daddy V



Tonight was Daddy V's first experience with this thing called the "prom." When Daddy V was a pup, the prom was not a big deal. As a matter of fact, the night of his senior prom, volunteer fireman Daddy V spent the night "babysitting" the town firetrucks while renovation work at the firehouse was completed. Civic duty before personal pleasure! After viewing tonight's proceeding, Daddy V would like to make the following observations:

1. Picking a prom dress is obviously more difficult these days than in years gone by. These days, girls must find a dress that is not only flattering but also effectively displays their tatoos!

2. Gentlemen also struggle with proper prom presentation. It must be difficult to find just the right color sneakers to match both their tux as well as their date's dress!

3. Ladies - if you never wear high heels what makes you think you can put a pair on the night of the prom and walk with any sense of style?

4. Along these same lines, when you know you're going to spend quite a bit of time on your feet, why would you wear shoes that you know are going to hurt? I'll bet I saw a dozen girls carrying their shoes - and those were just the wimpy ones who couldn't tough out the pain!



Congratulations to Allison Fullenkamp, Patriot Band drum major and flute player, on being selected the 2007 JCHS Prom Queen. What a beautiful and worthy selection for such an honor.


Daddy V applauds Allison and would also like to congratulate Kelsey Bone on her selection for Homecoming Queen last fall. Daddy V wasn't on line until late last fall, so he wasn't able to give his blessing to Kelsey's honor. Both young ladies hold a special place in Daddy V's heart since he's known them both from an early age and he has enjoyed watching them grow into beautiful young women who have been fantastic members of the Patriot Band and Eastern Breeze Flute Choir members. Congratulations again to Allison and Kelsey!