Daddy V has voluntarily removed the post concerning comments made against the Patriot Band program. Mr. Smeltzer and I met with Mr. Hill tonight regarding the comments and after much discussion, it was decided that there is fault on both sides - Mr. Hill and Daddy V. Mr. Hill certainly made inappropriate comments concerning the high school band program but perhaps Daddy V went a little over-board in his reaction. For those of you who don't know, my daughter, Laura, was in the class in which the comments were made and perhaps a bit of my reaction was "Daddy Bear protecting his cub" - and not just my own cub but all my other "cubs" in that class. Goodness knows Daddy V has had "foot in mouth" disease on several occasions during his career. It's all about respect, folks, and although Daddy V's knee-jerk reaction was a bit much, it was done out of respect for the kids in a program that he thinks are second to none!

Please read Coach Hill's post in the comment section of this blog!


Daddy V



  1. Steamed, Broiled and Just Plain MadDecember 13, 2016 at 6:43:00 PM EST

    Oh, I see, contests we know we can win... like the Indiana State Fair where our hard-working, dedicated, and extremely talented Marching Patriots compete against EVERY marching band in the STATE OF INDIANA that chooses to participate? No "class system" of competition for these kids!

    Maybe someone can point out to "Coach" Hill what an absolute honor it is for our band to be one of only 14 bands from the entire United States to be invited (yes, invited) to appear in the Cherry Blossom Parade in our nation's capitol. It's unfortunate the Cherry Blossom Festival committee in Washington thinks more highly of our band than teachers employed at our own high school! Teachers whose salaries are paid in part by the parents of the kids they so egregiously insulted and, in some cases, by the band staff themselves!

    It's bad enough these kids get almost no "outside" recognition for their triumphs and successes (heck, they can't even get a display case in the hallway for their many, many trophies), but for a teacher to air these foul, insulting remarks in a classroom is beyond the pale and completely unprofessional. Both he and Heather Hudson owe each and every student and staff member an apology. In the meantime, "Coach" Hill can concentrate on raising the level of our football program to the same heights our band program has achieved and maintained over the years. That's the hallmark of an excellent program rather than the fleeting success achieved by a few talented individuals scattered throughout the years.

    Keep your chins up, Marching Patriots! (Figuratively AND literally! heheh) You're a remarkable group and we're incredibly proud of you!

    To our band staff: Thank you so much for all you do! Thank you for your dedication, commitment and refusal to accept mediocrity in any form. Thank you for believing in these kids and inspiring them to push themselves to become even better, on the track and off.

    1. Teachers and coaches should be above that type of attitude. They are suppose to be role models for our children and should be supportive. My children were all in band so I followed the band for 9 years total. Band gives all children a chance to be part of something where sports require only a certain number of players. When teachers and coaches become nonsupportive of the student body they need to take a look at themselves and their profession to see if it is time to make a career move.

  2. Being a band member from the 70's and having 3 children all be active participants, I know for a fact all the hard work and dedication the staff and students put into giving 100% at each and every event they participate in.
    I think Coach Hill needs to be invited to spend a day in a student's shoes at Band Camp.
    I think Coach Hill and any other professionals that criticized another active part of JCHS needs to publicly apoligize.
    YOU ARE ALL AWESOME, and if in the future, you decide football games just aren't worth the effort, I will understand.

  3. I would first like to thnak the person who sent this link to me ANNONYMOUSLY so that I could read how bad of a person that I was. I would like to start off by saying that I thing what the band does is outstadning. The hard long hours that they put in in the heat of the summer while others are lying around being lazy is very commendable. Through our relationship at West Walnut Church of Christ I have gotten to know and respect Kelly and his family greatly. Any accomplishment that can bring more positive press and coverage to our community, school and student body is more than welcomed. You guys have never heard me say a negative word about the band (aside from this I suppose) and all of a sudden I am unprofessional, have professional help type issues, and am not a very good person (If it helps, the Patriot Band has had worse attacks from better people in the past.) I had an opinion about the second day of school missed, I shared this when some of my students complained about being lost in class, and then it was over. I also made it known that I did not have a problem at all with the band and that if given the opportunity to take that trip I would as well. What I questioned was the approval of the second day, which was only my opinion. I had to keep teaching to cover curriculum and (as with any trip) students are responsible for what they miss. I apologize if my words were taken the wrong way and if I in any way have offended the band, its staff, or its parents. I do feel however that my opinion was brought forth to those involved in a discussion forum for all to repsond and be heard and not on a web site.

    1. Mr. Hill...I understand your concern for the kids missing school and trying to play catch up. Before you brought this up in your classroom maybe you should have checked to see when the students actually arrived back to the building. It wasn't until after 3. So your comments on the issue really didn't matter and should have been kept to yourself. Those band kids couldn't have been in your class even if the day wasn't excused. As far as not being educational, I beg to differ! A broadway musical, museums, and culture. What do you call that? For you to cheapen their honor tells me a lot about who you are. I hope you don't treat the football team the same.

    2. You obviously did not read my statement very well before you responded. I said quote "I also made it known that I did not have a problem at all with the band and that if given the opportunity to take that trip I would as well. What I questioned was the approval of the second day, which was only my opinion." I also said quote, "I apologize if my words were taken the wrong way and if I in any way have offended the band, its staff, or its parents." So if you are going to respond you need to first read and then put your name. Also how can one opinion that you do not agree with in any way shape or form tell you what kind of person I am. Talk to a band member today (Tuesday April 24th) and ask what happened at school today.

    3. Mr. Hill,

      Yes, I did read your statement and understood it just fine. You have obviously missed the point. I too work for the corporation and sadly I know how things can get out of hand when things are taken the wrong way. That is why we remain professional and keep our opinions to ourselves. You are the adult in the situation and must set the example. Since you are not directly involved with the band, your opinion of it does not belong in your classroom. You continue the curriculum when students are ill, on a language trip, or away to Indy for basketball championships, this should be no different. The band trip was board approved with no problems. It should not matter if the trip was two or three days. Those kids were exposed to more culture in three days than many of us get in a lifetime. That in itself is worth missing an extra lesson of math. It is their responisbility to catch up with their assignments, and I'm sure most rise to the ocassion. If some fall behind perhaps it would be honorable to show your support by giving a few minutes of your time after class or school. Easier said than done I know, we are all busy. I appreciate your apology, I too apologize for judging hastily. I get on the immediate defense when it seems my children are being attacked. Band has helped them with every aspect of their education, and for that I am greatly appreciative. I will not accept anyone taking away from the glory that all the kids and staff have worked so hard to achieve. I have never been one afraid to speak my mind, but have learned there is a time and a place for it. Perhaps in this instance the classroom wasn't the right place. I did not leave my name for fear of retribution on my kids. I would hope this would not be the case, but unfortunately it has happened in the past.

    4. Coach Hill,
      I think that it was very respectful for you to come into the band room today ( April 24) and talk to the class. Anyone who brought you down I am apologizing for them now because they do not know what kind of person you really are. I am a student at Jay County and I have seen what you have done for the school and I greatly appricitate it! Im not positive what was all said in class, but I am sure that it was taken out of context as many things are. I just wanted to let you know that the intire band was very grateful for you today and only positive things were said about you when you walked out of that room! To everyone that does not know coach Hill he is a very respectful and helpful person! I do agree with you coach Hill when you say that you can not judge someone by one thing that was said because I am sure everyone says something that they regret sometime.

    5. I 100% totally stand beside Emily, Mr. Hill is a great person and teacher. I have had the pleasure of being in his class, and I know what kind of person he is. And I speak for several in saying it meant alot, and took alot, to go in front of 200 kids and appologize. That tells you what kind of person he is. The Band, The Football team both work vigorously, and have exquisite leaders.

      p.s. Those of you who titled anonymously, I want to know, why you are so afraid of letting people know how you feel?

  4. Cover curriculum? Shouldn't you be trying to teach for understanding instead of just trying to cover the stuff in the book.

  5. I'm currently a college senior and a graduate of Jay County High School. I wasn't a member of the marching patriots (although I did have Mr. Vogler in junior high band) However neither was I a member of the football team so I can say that I am not bias on behalf of either side. I will say that from what I have seen from both of these men and from their reputation in our community and the Christian community, I respect them very much.
    I think for a moment we need to take a step back and look at this picture at large. What we have here is a miscommunication, a one-time remark turned into a bigger issue than it needs to be. I agree that there is a time to be professional, that our remarks in class should be candid and we have to be careful about the things we let slip. I also want to stand for a second on the side of coach Hill. He is a teacher. First and foremost his dedication is to his students and his concern about their missing class is extremly justified. Yes as students they have chosen to be in band and miss class, and although I agree that band is an incredible opportunity for students, they are first students, and then members of the band, their first priority is their school work. It is their responsibility to catch up on their own.
    As I stated before, I was once a student at Jay County, and as most would probably agree with me, when I missed class I assumed the teacher would catch me up on it the next day, I expected to be spoonfed the material. I graduated with honors but was shocked in college when I had to write papers alone without help from professors, and when I missed class they didn't have the time to re-lecture me on a different day...
    So i guess what I am saying is that although he might have gone about it using the wrong words (aren't we all guilty of that sometimes) it is still refreshing to see another teacher raising the expectation of student responsibility at the high school. So thank you Coach Hill for that, and thank you Mr. V for standing up for the band members whom you clearly hold at a high esteem.

    Even though I believe that teachers should be held as role models for students we have to be able to cut them a break sometimes, especialy men such as these whom have such an upstanding reputation at the high school.
    So what if they were harsh, so what if they used "innapropriate" words. Turn on your television or open the newspaper and get more rash comments than you need for your weekly fill. It's refreshing to see that teachers are human too right?

    p.s. I think it's great the way the commentors on this blog have handled this situation so maturely...It is truely a testament to the way situations should be handled especially in a culture where it is easier to fight and be cold to each other rather than talk it out and hand out some respect...kudos.

  6. To all:
    What happened I am not sure, but I am sure that many went through painful judgement and that much of it could have been avoided possibly. I, as sister of a football player, know that the football team works every bit as hard as we do, and that Coach Hill works very hard to make those boys respectable people, yes I know that not all fo them turn out that way , but he is trying to do the same thing our band directors and staff are trying to do with us. They are all trying to make us responsible and ready for all taht life will throw us in the future. Mr. Hill, I think that it takes a lot of courage to get up in front of about 200 kids and tell them you made a mistake, some parents can't even do that with their own kids. I respect what you did and so does my family.
