In regards to the recent comments from teachers regarding the Patriot Band trip to Washington D.C. and New York City, all teachers involved have discussed these issues and all conflicts have been resolved. It should be the goal of all Jay County High School organizations to support each other in all of our activities.

Mr. Smeltzer


  1. Its good to hear all is back to normal and we can put this all behind us. I mean, who can focus on all this when summer band is only a small 61 days away!

  2. Only Patsy would be on the countdown actually, I am too. I am very excited about this summer. I know the show will be awesome. This music has an awesome feel to it and our wonderful drill writer will see to it that our drill is every bit as awesome as our music. I am very excited that I get to play piccolo this summer, Lauren and I will do our best to make you all hear us. It won't be hard. Please, if you are not participating in summer band, come and support us as we march in contests. Hopefully this will be the year we take back our title of State Champions.
