Certainly I'm biased on the issue of a reward for the band for a job well-done, but as far as I'm concerned, there are no other groups at JCHS that serve the Jay County area better than the Patriot Band – not no one, not no how! That's not to say that there aren't other JCHS groups that provide service for our community, including the choir, sports teams, drama, FFA, etc. But for most of the year the Patriot Band and staff serves the county in ways no other organization can. A perfect example is the many local parades at which we perform. Every community has at least one parade every year (Portland, Dunkirk, Redkey, Bryant, Pennville, Salamonia) plus Homecoming and the Parade of Lights. That's eight weekends or holidays that are interrupted each year just for a parade. For example, this July 4th, while most are enjoying a day off, the Patriot Band and staff will be providing parade entertainment for the city of Portland. It’s expected - it’s what we do - but it doesn’t take away from the fact that as a band and staff we work on more holidays, Fridays and Saturdays than any other group.
In addition, we perform at every home football and basketball game and in recent years have taken to showing up at several girl's games each season. We are also asked to perform on Memorial Day, special events and anniversaries such as the hospital anniversary last fall, the Wal-Mart grand opening, etc., etc. etc. Some of these event organizers are kind enough to pay us for performing but that money is used to pay band expenses and not the kids or staff!
So what's wrong with giving the band a reward once in a while. Just don't forget, the trip "reward" this year came with a hefty price tag - close to $600!
Agree or disagree!
Talk to me, I'm Daddy V
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