R & R in New Jersey... Daddy V Takes A Break!

Yes sir, boys and girls, Daddy V is enjoying a much needed break from Hoosier life and am currently firmly ensconced once again in the East Coast life style which I miss so much! New York Times (liberal drivel but great arts and entertainment section) WaWa coffee, bagels and cream cheese, hard rolls with butter (WaWa is Algonquoin for geese but its a kind of Village Pantry with East Coast style and a great coffee bar) Mueller's crumb cake (from a bakery in Bayhead NJ -defies description) Sawmill Pizza (served on the Seaside Heights NJ boardwalk - pizza is 36'' in diameter - I'm in heaven), roast beef paninis, biscotti, chocolate fondue, pisellas, (mama mia!)

New Toy

On Wednesday of this week I purchased a Nintendo DS. Why Nintendo DS? Along with seemingly 10 gazillion other middle-aged men, I need the DS to run BRAIN AGE the new "brain gymnasium" developed by Dr. Ryuta Kawashima. The general idea is to exercise your brain the way you exercise your body (yes, I need help in both areas) and, hopefully, avoid having your prefontal cortex turn into a gray mass of gelatinous material. The software measures your current "brain age" (I weighed in with a 70 yr old brain!) and then through different activities you attempt to exercise your brain and lower your brain age. After 4 days, I managed to get my brain age to 50, so I'm making progress! No "brain-like-Jello" for Daddy V.

Beach Time

Took a walk through Jenkinson's Aquarium in Point Pleasant, NJ (last time we went here, Rachel was in a stroller!) and then a nice stroll on the beach. Lots of flotsam and jetsam to sift through, beachcomber-style, with surf sounds acting as a catharsis. Wind from the ocean was a bit chilly so we didn't last very long.

A Bit of History

Today we drove to just north of Trenton, NJ where, 231 years ago, George Washington accomplished his famous crossing of the Delaware River. (I still have trouble watching Jeff Daniels portray Washington in The Crossing after having seen him in Dumb and Dumber

To be honest, the Delaware is not that formidable a river at the crossing almost to the point of a soldier being able to toss his musket across the river - nothing like we are led to believe in US History 101. Every year, the crossing is renacted on Christmas Day by the locals. I talked with one of them today at the visitors center and he reminded me that the boats used were Durham boats (literally about the size of a school bus) which were meant for up and down river sailing and were very difficult to handle across stream. In addition, that particular winter was rather severe and the boats battled ice flows as well as wind and sleet. OK - point for Washington! After our visit we ate at the Washington Crossing Inn where, tradition has it, Washington ate dinner before the crossing. I enjoyed a regional favorite - Philly Cheese Steak!

Cadets Camp

Laura and I are heading to Penns Grove , NJ in the AM to catch some Cadet camp. Cadets reportedly have 4 minutes of the opener done and we hope to hear it and pick up at-shirt or two!


Tomorrow night will include a trip to the Seaside Heights boardwalk where we will spend much time and money in the pursuit of prizes while playing skeeball, pop ball, coin falls, video poker and blackjack, and slot machines. This is a Vogler tradition that goes back to the days of my youth and lives on into the 21st Century! If we are lucky, we will each spend about $20 for a $1 prize - probably one of those Chinese finger tortures! But sometimes it's the journey not the destination! (that was deep!)


Travel day to Hoosierland where I will once again present the good news of music education with missionary-like zeal to the uneducated masses of Jay County!

Peace, love, joy and hope for the New Year!

Daddy V

A Quote - There is no greater satisfaction for a just and well-meaning person than the knowledge that they have devoted their best energies to the service of a good cause!

-Albert Einstein


OK Girls and Boys! The big day is almost over and we've cashed in on the yearly "greatest spectacle of spending". So Daddy V wants to know what did you get? To break the ice (no pun intended) let me tell you what I got:

1. To show that I have diverse interests, my book gifts this year included:

Walter the Farting Dog (with farting dog included!) - Hilarious!
Ballet for Dummies - watch out guard!
Yoga over Fifty - Ouch!
The Gold Coast - Neslon DeMille - murder and mystery
Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid - Bill Bryson - one of my favorite authors
2. New reading lamp for my new home office - refer to #1
3. Strength and Conditioning Program for Marching Musicians - Yeah, there really is such a thing! Designed by a Chicago physical fitness company for the Cavaliers - way cool!

4. Gift card and t-shirt for Scotty's Brewhouse - fast becoming the #1 Patriot Band staff hangout!

5. Gift card to Books-a-Million - from Laura

6. Colts calendar - from Rachel

7. Carry bag for a laptop - I don't yet own a laptop, but our tech geeks Jason and Mark will help
me with this (I hope)!

Well, there's my list, girls and boys. Now it's your turn - talk to your Daddy V!

Tomorrow morning - headin' East for a visit with my mom in Toms River, NJ. R & R, real pizza, walks on the beach, WaWa coffee, boardwalk games at LuckyLeo's, crumb cake from Mueller's, antique shopping, Sunday morning visit to Cadets camp, and maybe a trip to Atlantic City (cha-ching$).

Love, peace, joy, hope and success at State Fair in the New Year! Cut me and I bleed Patriot Band!

You guys are the best and make me proud to be your...

Daddy V

Quote of the Day-We don't stop playing because we get older, we get older when we stop playing!
George Bernard Shaw

SANTA VOGIE WANTS TO KNOW.............................

Come on, admit it! We all have secret wishes and hopes when it comes to the BIG DAY! Heck, we've been watching the ads on TV since July, so let's lighten things up a bit and ask JC band members - WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS?
Now try to leave out some of the obvious answers. World peace? never happen! State Fair title - rrrrrr - it's a done deal! Or maybe you want to "blog" a present to someone special or a gag gift to that annoying person in your section! Just remember - be nice , not naughty! Santa Vogie has his finger on the delete key!

So send me one or send me two,
Maybe a gift that's not for you!
Send it in the day, send it in the night,
But please make sure your spelling is right!
Try to use humor as your key,
And talk to me, I'm your Santa V

Two Quotes.....

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them!

George Bernard Shaw

Time is a created thing. To say "I don't have time", is like saying "I don't want to."


CONSIDER THIS................................................................


One evening, an old Chreokee chief told his grandson a story about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, superiority and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith"

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:

"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied "The one you feed."

No one's perfect - not even band directors. I find myself feeding my Evil wolf way too often. Lets face it - it's easier! Throw yourself a pity party and blame everyone else for your problems. Joy, peace, love, hope, etc., take work (ask any married couple) but are ultimately more fulfilling!

Daddy V

SO YOU WANT TO MAJOR IN MUSIC................................

There has been much interest expressed by Patriot band members in the last couple of years about majoring in music in college. I won't pretend to speak for Mr. Smeltzer or Miss Guise, by I will say that if I had to do it all over again I would still major in music education. I would, however, make sure that I was better prepared before I went to college and understood more about what I was getting into! Its a tough major with no time for a minor! I was fortunate - I went to a small college where there was a lot of individualized attention. In the larger state schools its sometimes either sink or swim! We don't have a great track record for music majors at JCHS. I think that in the last 25 years we've had 3 or 4 kids major in music and actually get through all 4 years! My reason for posting this entry is to let you know that the band staff is anxious to see you succeed in whatever you choose to do, but we are particularly interested in talking with any of you considering a music major. Remember, music does not mean either performance or teaching. There are many career opportunities in music such as church music, music therapy, music business, and the list goes on! We've made great strides in the area of music theory training with the new theory class and computer lab at JCHS. Arts Place will be offering a follow-up class this Spring entitled "Music Major Boot Camp". This course will introduce students to music history and continue working on ear training, as well as discussions concerning auditions, applications, scholarships, and other things which need to be considered. (Incidentally, the course will be taught by Emilie Boyes - who better than someone fresh out of the music major arena)

Again, please consider your band staff to be a source of information concerning music major preparation. We really want you to succeed!

Talk to Me! As always, I'm your...

Daddy V


OK, Patriot band members, you had your fun. Now its time to answer the age old question:

When band directors are thrown in a pool, do they:

A. Sink
B. Float
C. Get wet
D. All of the Above
E. None of the Above

I'm Daddy V (squish, squish) Talk to Me!

DRUM CORPS INFO......(and a quote)

For those of you interested in learning more about drum and bugle corps, you can go to DCI.org. Drum Corps International is the governing body of drum and bugle corps and their web site has a wealth of information about the activity.

Also, Laura and I were interviewed last week-end by a web reporter for Youth Education in the Arts (YEA). If you would like to see that interview go to YEA.org and look for the news article about "nurturing and supportive parents" - ahhh, that would be me!

Daddy V

"Without leaps of imagination or dreaming we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning!"

THE ADVENTURE ENDS............................

Laura and I arrived back in Jay County at 2:30 A.M. Although totally exhausted from the experience, Laura also said it was the most fun she's ever had. Lots of good rehearsal and playing tips from the boys who know. There was a "show and tell" on Sunday afternoon. The guard did about a 4 minute routine, the battery played LOUD (36 snares and 19 quads), the pit played a Scott Joplin rag, and finally the hornline played through "Simple Gifts", "Salvation is Created", "Shenandoah" and "Back to the Future" - interesting juxtaposition of songs. The sound was amazing - 75 horns including 19 tubas. After the program, the kids were given their ratings. As with most drum corps the Cadets don't "cut" people, but rate them and allow them to decide, according to thier rating, if they should continue. A 1 means "we want you", a 2means "we think we want you so please work hard over the next month and come back in December", a 3 means "we like what you do, but you might be too young or have too little experience". Laura got a 3 based on the age factor and her lack of corps experience. Win, lose, or draw, the camp was great and certainly cemented Laura's desire to march with a corps. Fortunately, there are many corps within driving distance (3-5 hours) from Portland and she'll try again next year.

How about some discussion? How many of you have seen a drum corps or would like to try to march with a corps?

I'm Daddy V - talk to me!

AND CONTINUES.............................

Laura called tonight (I'm visiting my mom who lives in NJ) and continues to be very excited about her experience. The instructors have had them playing and marching since 9:00 A.M. She says its much like our basics program, both playing and marching but X 100. Her shoulders, lips and arms ache but she's picking up a lot of good information from the guys who know! I'll return to camp tomorrow morning for "show and tell". All sections will perform for the parents at 1:00 P.M. and we should be on the road for IN by 3:00 P.M. which will make our Jay County ETA about 4:00 A.M. Probably won't even go to sleep before school! Daddy V will be stoked on caffeine. Remember me in your prayers tomorrow boys and girls!

Daddy V

THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES...................

Cadet Camp 2007 started at 9:00 P.M. Friday night. Meeting with George Hopkins (corps director) talks and sounds like a band director, has a good sense of humor and many funny stories. As he talked a bout the summer tour and the requirements on the kids, I was amazed at how many time he mentioned Rule #9 without calling it that! He said that they expected a certain level of maturity from the members that allowed each of them to take care of themselves and their problems during the tour. Went to parent meeting. Marching a summer with the Cadets will run about $2500 (yikes!) excluding travel to and from camps and spending money. Took a tour of equipment truck and food truck. WOW! Saw Laura warming up with the horn line being led by Gino Cipriani! 70+ horns and no woodwinds! She gave me the thumbs up! Going back to help prepare lunch!

Daddy V


Thanks to all who responded to the Rule #9 entry. Be assured that your entries (well, most anyway) were read with a sincere and open heart and mind. Some of your concerns are legitimate and will be discussed in staff meetings with the idea that Rule #9 will be more fairly administered.

As for me personally, I feel that each one of you will learn more in the 2 months of summer band than you will during the rest of the year - I mean truly learn! Not facts and figures but real life and how to cope with it! You guys are at the perfect age for this kind of learning. As a staff we believe in you enough to challenge you to take on life's intricacie's and affronts and I hope it's an ethic we can bring back to American society, which is, after all, based on the idea of plunging wildly into the unkown and making it up as you go along. At the very least we can retain the idea within our marching activity, which is perhaps even more so based on the idea of plunging wildly into the unknown and making yourself equal to the task.

People who have never experienced our activity ask me all the time, "How do you do it?" (200 kids, 2 months every summer, heat, equipment issues, heat, uniforms, heat, band camp, heat, show creation (and re-creation), heat, personel battles and personal battles)
I usually look at them, knowing they won't understand and tell them "Rule # 9 - You just figure it out!"

Quote of the Day

Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices! Do the hardest thing on earth. Act for yourself! Face the truth!

Katherine Renner

THE ADVENTURE BEGINS....................................................

One week from tonight I start on the adventure of my life-time when I take Laura to the Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps audition camp in NJ. Why my adventure, you ask, when Laura is the one auditioning? Parents often enjoy experiences vicariously through their children, especially if the experience was not available to them when they were young. I have been a fan of drum and bugle corps (core, like apple core - not corpse like a dead body) when I went to my first show in 1971 (Smeltzer wasn't even potty trained then and Guise wasn't even alive!) Since that experience (I went with my band director) I have been hooked on drum corps.

What is a drum and bugle corps, you ask? Basically, its like marching band but without woodwinds (sorry guys!) and corps perform on a football field, 11 - 13 minute shows and they perform at a much higher level than marching band. Most corps practice once a month from November through April with "move-in" during May. The end of May and 3 weeks into June is when the corps learns their show. After this they compete from the end of June to the middle of August, usually about 30 - 35 contests per season all around the USA. Drum corps season is really like a 9 - 10 week band camp!

Please excuse the above meanderings - but they have brought me to my discussion question for the next couple of weeks which is: Summer Band - Take It or Leave It?

Obviously, a large majority of our band must enjoy the experience since most are involved. What do you like best about summer band and what do you like least? How about band camp? Should we go away (ie - Miami University) or stay at the high school? What about those who are not involved(my so-called "fall freeloaders)? Why do you not participate?

Come on Patriot Band - talk to your Daddy V!


To my favorite bunch of kids in the school (if not the world!) -

You are doing exactly what I was hoping you would do - taking issue with my entry! Keep the comments coming! I will respond in total once I feel the entry has run it's course. A lot of what is in the entry is purposely inflammatory - give it to me on the chin! I can take it!!

Daddy V

Talk To Me, DaddyV!!!

Our own Mr. Vogler, a.k.a. Daddy V, is going to be posting things dealing with the band there to try and get a little discussion going on subjects as well.  He hopes to better inform the band on things so they have a clue  and also to get some discussion and a better "feel" for the mob.  The first post is up and waiting for ya'll to comment on it so check it out!!!


I had the opportunity to have lunch with Jason H and Mark G (the two geniuses behind this blog) during fall break. Jason was recounting some of the comments that were made on those surveys we did in September and one of them really got to me. Jason said that someone said that Rule #9 was just a way for staff to get out of work. Hello! I hope this was from one of our "fall freeloaders" and not a summer person. People - you have been "spoon fed" most of the knowledge you have by teachers who have been pressured by their "superiors" to improve test scores. You have become knowledge "regurgitators" but you do not have the capacity to use that knowledge. (Not all of you, but too many!) Rule #9 is all about using that knowledge in practical problem solving. In my 6th grade band, I have kids who will walk up to me in the middle of class and ask me a question - no hand, no asking permission! I usually send them back to their seat without an answer. Why? Because I'm to lazy to help? Nope! As I point out to these kids if I spent just 1 minute with each student answering a question we would have 3 minutes of band class every day. Now multiply that by 5 with the high school band and, well you get the idea! Beyond simple logistics, Rule #9 is all about having you, the student, learn to identify a problem, explore solutions and, ultimately solve the problem yourself or by committee (with your friends - ask three ask me)

What do you think? Right or wrong, yes or no, win, lose, or draw, TALK TO DADDY V!


DaddyV sticking his tongue out
Greetings Patriot band members and welcome to my blog. This blog is for me and the rest of the band staff to post thoughts, ideas and concerns regarding our band program and to get responses from you, the band members.

Your responses to any blog items will be sent to my personal e-mail where I will read them before posting. Anything considered in poor taste, inflammatory, slanderous, dirty, obscene, profane or just plain dumb (percussion?) will not be posted! Its my blog and I'll post if I want to!

The future of this blog will depend on how it is used. This is uncharted territory for me and I hope that you, the JC band members will step up to the plate and help me develop this blog to fit your needs as well as the needs of the staff.

So, as Jackie Gleason used to say...and away we go!

Coming soon...

The meandering thoughts of our own Daddy V, Pete Vogler!!

Pete Vogler
The one and only!!

Football Game...

So Friday night saw me at my 3rd (i think) JCHS football game of the season. It ended up lightning and they postponed the game for 30 minutes and the band all left. I still don't know if they actually finished the game (enlighten me if you can).

Band Day

Last wednesday was the State Fair Band Day. Jay County finished an impressive 2nd out of 44 bands this year, 2 places better than last years 4th place finish. It's sad to have another track season over and done with but I'm glad at the same time. The kids this year did just awesome considering some of the temperatures we dealt with. I really enjoyed working with the staff so with the good kids it was a great summer from the staffing perspective. I hope to be back next year, and bring back a certain guard instructor as well, to do it all again.

Lotsa' Craziness!!!

So in the last couple weeks I've been super busy. Lots of things going down at work at the moment, mainly all good. The band season has pretty much came and went. Once the contests start it goes by in a FLASH. We got lots of 2nd's behind southside and a 3rd behind southside and richmond (i think). Last week was band camp which was defintely the roughtest to date. It was like having one full time job on top of another full time job where the second full time job is conducted 24 hours a day and in ungodly heat and humidity!!!

Yesterday was the ice cream social (minus the ice cream though me, Emilie, and Hart stopped by Dairy Dream) where the band put on its usual bad run through for the parents. Definitely not the best representation of what was produced by band camp. If you want the real deal show up Wednesday at state fair!

Jason's Graduation...

First off, I am still alive. Also, Hart (Jason, Jay, Jake, however you know him) graduated from Ball State this last weekend and I wanted to give him a public congrats for his achievements. He had two weddings, a band contest, and his graduation all this last weekend so he didn't actually walk across the stage but he's an official graduate. He threw a little hoopla at his house on Sunday afternoon and I posted some pictures of it. So if you see him tell him congrats!!
-Mark "Melon" Garringer


This weekend was the DCI contest in Indy, go Blue Devils!! They beat the cavies by .5 points for the victory. I could tell that this year the show was 2 weeks earlier. It just wasn't quite as crisp as it normally is. It was still a great show and I hope to watch the semifinals at a simulcast someplace.

Band has been going good this week and we're making headway. Yesterday was a music day as it rained most of the afternoon. The pit is getting better and better and I'm pumped to hear them with the actual band. They still play a bit quite but they've got the show memorized (most of them) and it sounds pretty good. The judges' jaws are gonna drop when they see the complete change from last year.

Back to Work...

Summer band started. The awesome part is that we have a HUGE pit this year.

News and such...

Daddy V hit the news! Read on here at YEA.org

Would you like to learn more about drum corp life? Visit www.dci.org to learn more!

Check out the latest ramblings and discussions of the Jay County Marching Patriots... a forum hosted by our very own, Mr. Vogler (otherwise known as Daddy V).

2nd Place Champions at the 2006 Indiana State Fair!

Solid second (08/10/06) - By MARY ANN LEWIS article from the Commercial Review

2007 Band Trip: National Cherry Blossom Parade and New York City! Check back for more details.

Congratulations to the Band Camp 2K6 Olympics Winning team: the Trombubatones!

A Salute to New York City

On Wednesday, August 10, 2005, the Marching Patriot band earned 4th place at the Indiana State Fair. Despite not placing as many band members had hoped, dreamed, or thought, the performances at both the day and night shows is to be commended! The Marching Patriots left their best performance "on the track." Thank you students, staff, parents, and the greater Jay County Community, for all of your hard work, love, and support to make this summer "Salute to New York City" a summer to be remembered for many years to come.